My favorite place is Camp Now. It is located in the middle of the city in Spain. I have never been there but I am a big fan of FC Barcelona. It's an old stadium and it will be built a new stadium like better modern buildings than the old one, but I want to go there now.
I want to go there at least once. There are football coats, basketball coats, coffee shops, restaurants and so on. Spanish people say the food is so delicious. I’ve never been overseas and I have never eaten Spanish food. But I know most Japanese people say they are so delicious. I watched it on YouTube, DAZN, and WOWWOW. When football players are playing football, the stadium is so loud and crowded. I would like to hear that. Barcelona's fans are enthusiastic I think it is essential to win. That’s one of the reasons I like it. I don’t take Spanish classes, but I study it so that I can enjoy it very much when I go there. And I will continue to be a fan of theirs.
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