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[18:05][外人] hey
[18:06][外人] how u doing man?
[18:06][外人] what is happening in japan right now?
[18:09][俺] The place where I lived only shook a little
[18:10][外人] not much damage?
[18:11][俺] The place where I live is safe
[18:13][俺] However, the nuclear power plant might explode
[18:17][外人] itwill be bad
[18:17][外人] how the situation in general
[18:17][外人] many losses?
[18:18][外人] i mean i dont know the media here tells one thing
[18:18][外人] but it might be different on that side
[18:22][俺] 10,000 dead seem to exceed because of the tsunami
[18:24][俺] What are media of Europe said?
[18:25][外人] in europe it said 300 people dead
[18:25][外人] 1st day
[18:26][外人] later same day it said something like 1.000 dead
[18:26][外人] and 3.000 missing
[18:26][外人] then it wasnt speaking about the amount
[18:26][外人] it was speaking something about radiation level
[18:27][外人] comparin ur level of radiation with polish level
[18:27][外人] and it really was so fucking funny because u had less radiation there
[18:27][外人] than in poland
[18:27][外人] way less
[18:27][外人] u had like 6-7
[18:27][外人] and poland had something like 12
[18:28][外人] of course inna studio with all the equipment its a bit more
[18:28][外人] but still
[18:28][外人] u had 6-7 and poland had 10
[18:28][外人] but i think its a bullshit
[18:41][俺] I think that the nuclear power plant is necessary
[18:42][外人] yes







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