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ソウル ブログランキングへ
ロサンゼルス ブログランキングへ


この ティラミスアイスクリーム(4900ウォン) があったのですが
現在は、 『明洞ロッテデパート』 そして 『江南駅地下』 しか



大学街にある 『某サムギョプサル』 のお店でいろいろな話を
日本では 『プロフェッショナル』 であったり 『ガイアの夜明け』


今まで、 帽子販売財布・カバン販売コーヒーショップ経営
飼料(牛などの食べ物)も、たどれば 『人間と人間』 のコミュニケーションがあっての

日本滞在時代、大検を受けて日本でも 『立教大学』 へ入学したのですが
人間ないものねだりなので、私は 『学歴<経歴』 だと思っているのですが
昨日社長の話では、 『あの時大学に行っていればもっといいビジネスが。。。』
『人と人との大切さ』 を感じていきたいと思います。
友達を大切にしてしまう ので、まだ社長はシングルであって

ソウル ブログランキングへ
ロサンゼルス ブログランキングへ


Came back to Seoul from Shanghai/Manilla...
My business trip to those places are fine and hope everything
regarding on my business will be fine..
Right after I came back to Seoul,
some big suicide bomb was waiting for me....
Seems like time to shift the direction???
Now, I am now on the maze and wishing that I do love to go back
to where i used to belong to....
We will see..
Life is..........
On that period I was wondering and finding the place where I am needed. Shanghai was on of the places, but time flew and came back here for business trip.
Honestly I got married last year which is 2015 and was going to have some stable life, however what I am facing is different which I was dreaming. Therefore, business trip to Shanghai is going to be some turning point for my life.
On the 3rd day of my stay in Shanghai, some surprising news came up to me. I was watching some comedy show with Japanese famous
I feel like I met some many people and of course I did not do something illegal before and future, but I just wonder if I am living on the right track on my life.
Do not know the future but I still do not want to retire my life and I want always my life bright with happiness.
That is my only tiny hope in my life.
Why I am breathing?
These days the relationship between my wife is not good.
Actually it had been not stable since getting married. Almost
1 year wedding anniversary but what we got is just fights/hurts/wasting time and money…
Some say to avoid this situation, the best solution is living not together
for a while and can decide what to do next.
Actually, what I want and what she wants me to do is very different.
I do not order her anything, I want her as she is.
But she wants me to do many things,, for example try not to meet
many people and always stay with her with good mood. Right now
it is no possible and need really time to think about ourselves and we can just see.
Life is tough and sometimes need to decide very ironic decision for us.
Want to always smile and be happy..

Introducing fancy and comfortable coffee shop located near by Gangnam Station

If you feel familiar with these photos, you used to be a member
of Gang-Nam Language cast.
I went to this coffeeshop last Sunday with my wife for the first time
after I came back to Seoul of 2015.Sep.

The coffeeshop was very familir but I have never used there as a
coffeeshop, but just a place for language-exchange community place.
When I used to attend there, the group member used 3rd floor and the roof-top.

When I think back the days of single freedom life, I was always with someone
open-minded and new people. On that time, I was happy but when I went
back to my house, I felt empty.

normal life when single
Therefore, I have got married this year with smiles.
I sometimes wonder if my marriage was the right decision because
instead of stable person next to me, there is no freedom.

However, there is no word of 『If』 and better face the fact and
I try to remember the days of my single freedom life when my
life meets some hard time.

James Hippo

ソウル ブログランキングへ

ロサンゼルス ブログランキングへ

Fantastic Dinner with Mr.LG, 2015.9.23 at IFC Mall
I visited most of places in Korea, I think
more than local people. But I have never
Been to IFC mall before. No reason to visit
to that area and instead of Yeoido, Myeong-dong or Gang-nam can be other
options and better transportation access.
I went to IFC mall to meet great friend
called Mr.LG with my wife. When I first came to Korea and during my Korea Uni
days, he was kind of my mentor in many meanings. He helped my tough Korean life
and sometimes we went out for some parties..etc.
Around 7 years ago, he said he was going to
get married with some show host lady. I was very happy when we went out for
some lunch with his wife nearby my house. They got married and have been spending
happy life.
One reason why I decided to introduce my
wire to Mr.LG was to learn how to have a happy life. From his facebook, his
family looks very happy with loves. Actually the situation of our life is tough
and almost sinking. To get this over I decided to meet together near his
office. He is like a superman to me. He’s got a high quality of education and
always trying to improve. He speaks Korean/English/German/Japanese/Chinese, now
he is learning Spanish/French/Italian..etc… I have heard that I have a good
skill of languages, however compared with this Mr. LG guy.. I am almost
I introduced my wife to Mr.LG and he took
us to the best Italian restaurant call
. The food was fantastic and we could share nice conversation with
his sense of humor.
Starbucks is my wife’s favorite place and
we moved there and started to get some counseling from him. It is privacy and I
cannot write detailed conversation but we are satisfied the first meeting of
Mr.LG and James Family. 2 nd
meeting would be together with his wife
and no doubt the meeting will be fun and full of smiles.
Here I introduce ifc mall and COTTO
Once again thanks Mr.LG for being a good friends for a long time,
I try my best to catch you up.

Struggling hard life in Seoul 2015.Fall
I do not know if I am on the right track or not.
My personality is always be happy with smile
and do not care too much about the past.
Present&Future have bigger meaning.
However, my present life is not that simple and shining like before.
I am trying not to avoid this tough situation but face the fact.
Always big fight just because of my past life with female friends.
In my dictionary friends are just a friend.
Since I do not smoke/Drinking I enjoy the time at the coffeeshop
by chatting. Do not care if they are male or female if they like me
as a cool friends. I do not want them to keep the relationship forever.
Everyone has their own life and if their boyfriends do not want them
to meet others,, that is the fate.
What I think about the life is always Timing and the feeling are the
most essential. Therefore, I have been developing new friends,,,,,,
Easy come Easy go,,,,
As I told you everyone can meet their own trouble and situation changes,
therefore when the supply and demand are matched we can be friends.
I know friends are not business, but what I feel right now is more likely
Timing is the most important for every situation.
I came to Korea, WHY?
because I met cool friends in SD.
Why I chose Korea Uni?
because I could feel something attractive
Why I got married?
Of couse Love and Timing.....
Now, I am facing this kind of tough situation and I know,
no one can give me a right decision but I must find a destination.
Struggling my life in Seoul,,,
James Hippo.
Have a good Korean holidays.