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My Birthday of 2019 Live Stream (Nintendo Switch Random Games Party)
My Birthday Live Stream
Also Lets' have fun on the switch :)) Also ITS MY BIRTHDAY
Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW- 5961 1127 0032
Stream Rules
If you Break these Rules
1. Warning
2. Timeout
3. Ban
1. No Spamming for example Emotes, Emojj's and Sentences etc
2. Don't be rude to the Moderators and the Youtuber Leader which is me
3. Do not ask to be a Moderator I Will Decide if I need an extra one Depends how big the Channel Grows
4. Don`t Self Promote
5. Don't complain on what games Im doing
6. Absolutely No Drama here I do not tolerate that.
7. No inappropriate talk in the chat you should know that
8. if you want my discord server its only if you ask or at the end of the stream
9. No Politics
10. You can Joke around in here but don't take it out of Context
11. You can Swear but do not do it constantly because its a bad habit.
12. Have a great time relax be Family Friendly and Play Awesome Games like Nintendo Etc.
Donate Here In Super Chat if you Want :)))
Wanna become a Sponsor here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1yi...
My Nintendo Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/km_nintendo/
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kever__M
My Twitch: https://twitch.tv/keverm_
Brand New Updated Rules :))・・・続きはこちら⇒ My Birthday of 2019 Live Stre!
am (Nintendo Switch Random Games Party)