Family Liaisons

Who are Family Liaisons?

Family Liaisons are special staff members who work in your child’s school to serve as a communication link between home and school. They help you get the information and assistance you need to support your child at home and to ensure your child’s academic success.

How Do Family Liaisons Help Parents?

Family liaisons provide services such as the following to assist you and your child:

  • Encourage open communication between you and the school.
  • Attend conferences and school meetings with parents to clarify procedures and processes.
  • Make arrangements to have language interpreters at school meetings.
  • Explain school, policies, practices, and programs.
  • Provide information to families about the school, resources, and activities.

A note from Mrs. Jung:

Hello, my name is Tae Jung, I am a Family Liaison at Centreville High school.  I work with parents and students’ teachers in the school. I am fluent in both English and Korean. 

Office hours and contact information:

Tae Jung | @email  |  703-802-5538

  • Monday 8am-3pm
  • Friday 8am-12pm

Spanish Family Liaison

Ana Alvarez | @email | 703-802-5458


  • Monday and Tuesday | 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.