Sixth Grade

6 th  grade is where everything comes full circle but also shows evolution! In 6 th  grade, we focused on self-exploration and self-growth. Students were able to turn the assignments into what fit them best as growing people. We did a lot of reflections of the past, who/what influences their interests now, and who/what influences who they want to be in the future. We continued to explore different mediums but in different and more exciting ways! For example, printmaking began as fingerpainting in kindergarten, foam printing in 3 rd  grade, monotype printing in 4th, and now in 6th, printmaking evolved into carving into linoleum to create a stamp! This evolution of growth occurred in every medium we explored this year. 

Ms. Davis'Class Virtual Art Show

Mrs. Goldman's Class Virtual Art Show

Mr. Lasky's Class Virtual Art Show

Mr. Norlin's Class Virtual Art Show