Student Technology at Lake Anne

Student Device Responsible Use Guidelines

This is separate from the Digital Resources Consent Form that must be signed through SIS.

FCPS borrowed Student Devices should be used only in conjunction with projects relating to the educational programs of FCPS.  It may not be used as a personal or social device for the student.

  • The device is valuable and should be treated appropriately. It should always be:
    • Handled with care (Closed and carried with two hands)
    • Stored in its carrying case when not in use
    • Properly stored in a location where it will not be dropped, stepped on, or exposed to extreme temperatures
  • Properly charge your device each night so it has a full battery at the start of the school day
  • Keep away from pets, food and liquids.
  • The Student Device is for  student use only. Friends, family members, or other students may not use it.
  • All files should be saved in Schoology or Google Apps for Education, not on the computer hard drive.
  • The device should be powered off (Shut Down in settings, not just closed) completely at the end of each school day.
  • Tech support is provided at your school during school hours only:
    • Submit a ticket if your device needs to be repaired (see the school website)
    • OR have your teacher submit a ticket via RequestIT .
    • Your laptop will be repaired or you will be given a loaner device.
    • Students and families should never attempt to repair the laptop themselves or take it to a repair shop

School staff should be informed of a lost/stolen device as soon as possible. If you believe your device was stolen, report it immediately to the police.

Families will be charged to replace or fix missing or broken technology. Prices will be determined based on the repairs needed.

A parent or guardian signature is required on the handout given by the school. This signature indicates that you have read the Responsible Use Guidelines.  Please sign a form for  each student  who attends Lake Anne Elementary School.