The Mantua Band Program is a large and exciting program open to students in fifth and sixth grade. As stated in the FCPS Program of Studies, music develops intellectual skills in the language of music, produces physical expression, fosters an understanding of history, provides an appreciation through listening and performing, develops performance skills, and enables music literacy. At Mantua, the band program is one area that helps to expand learning and expression.

Band classes focus on the enjoyment of music through performance and skill development with fellow musicians. This creative process focuses on individual progress in the following areas:  Tone Quality, Intonation, Rhythmic Accuracy, Technique, Ensemble Balance and Blend, Interpretation and Stage Presence. Each child is allowed and encouraged to reach his or her full potential by providing quality music instruction in a setting that is pleasant and positive. By doing so, it is hoped that Mantua students become life-long consumers of music and are able to make intellectual, critical and informed decisions based on their particular interests.

Students in the Mantua Band Program meet once per week for 45 minutes. Most years, fifth grade beginner classes are grouped by like instruments – all flutes together, all trumpets together, all clarinets together. Scheduling homogenous groups for beginners allows instruction to be tailored to a specific instrument, giving students the ability to progress quickly. Sixth grade advanced classes meet in heterogenous groupings – a mixture of different instruments together. This grouping allows freedom to focus more on ensemble performance and growth where multiple lines of melody, harmony and rhythm occur at the same time. The sixth grade year marks a turning point in the child’s band performance development in that intellectual and performance skills become broader and more sophisticated. By exposing band students to a variety of literature in sixth grade, they become more aware of different styles which lead to more advanced study.

The Mantua Band students perform two concertsfor the school each year – one in February and one in May.  These concerts are the highlight of the year and prove that through diligence, hard work, creative instruction and positive reinforcement, a successful and enjoyable performance is a great reward.

Performance Ensembles

Mantua and Fairfax County provide numerous vocal and instrumental opportunities for students outside of the regular school day .

BUDDIES TUTORING PROGRAM- Woodson High School students provide free tutoring as “band buddies” once per week at Mantua. This popular program fosters a very desirable working relationship between young musicians. 

FROST AREA BAND- A group comprised of advanced band members from all of the Frost Middle School elementary feeders. This ensemble meets from November through April. Rehearsals take place on Monday afternoons from 2:45-4:00 in the band room at Frost Middle School, with two public concerts – one in February and one in April. Carpools are always offered for students needing transportation assistance. 

Prerequisite: students must be in sixth grade, and have performed for at least one full year.

SOLO AND ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL- This Festival occurs each year in April. Participating students are given the opportunity to prepare a solo or small group selection and perform for a professional judge who will offers comments, suggestions and feedback for each participant. 

Band Teachers