Pulley Career Center Announcements

Pulley Career Center Welcomes New Staff!

Dear Pulley Career Center Staff, Parents, and Community: 

We are happy to announce and welcome 5 new Pulley staff members for the 2023-2024 School Year!

Alejandra Navarreteis our new Administrative Assistant, whom you can find up in the Pulley Office. Ms. Navarrete comes to us from Annandale High School, where she spent several years in their front office as an Admin Assistant and Office Assistant. Prior to that she was an assistant in Annandale's Special Education classrooms.

Heather Finchis one of our new Independent Living Skills Teachers and heads one of two Greenspring Senior Living Community student teams. Before coming to Pulley, Ms. Finch took a year off after the birth of her daughter. Before that she worked at Lake Braddock Secondary for 8 years in the CAT B department, teaching WAT, Science, and Peer Helping. Ms. Finch has also coached Special Olympics basketball and track & field and worked with Lake Braddock's Peer Helping class to put on FanQuest since 2018.

Martin De Andais one of our new Career and Transition Teachers and took lead for the Montebello Condominiums student team. Prior to starting at Pulley, Mr. De Anda worked for Manassas City Public Schools at Osbourn High School. There he taught in both educational (general and special education) settings, CAT A and B. Most recently Mr. De Anda taught students in the high incidence program in the CAT B classroom. He worked with students who required a smaller teacher-to-student ratio and supported them with daily living and employment readiness skills.

William Gallagheris one of our new PHTAs and assists in the FCPS Library Services student team. Mr. Gallagher worked as a dedicated aide at Phillips Programs for four years and worked primarily in elementary school classrooms providing a broad range of support functions to the students and teachers. His last year at Phillips he spent in the high school helping with various projects including off campus job training. Before that Mr. Gallagher worked inclusion support for Arlington County for 5 years.

Hassan Raguebis our other new PHTA and assists in the Building & Trades student team at Franconia Recreation Center. Mr. Ragueb comes to us from the Fairfax County Public Schools Transportation department, where he was a bus driver for several years. Mr. Ragueb was already very family with many of our Pulley students as he was assigned to the Quander-Pulley bus routes and drove our students every day.

Welcome to Pulley Career Center, Ms. Navarrete, Ms. Finch, Mr. De Anda, Mr. Gallagher, and Mr. Ragueb!