
Kiss and Ride

Drop off & Pick Up by Car

Kiss and Ride drop off begins at 8:25 a.m. and dismissal at 3:25 p.m.

Student pick up/drop off is only in the designated Kiss and Ride traffic pattern in the front of the school.

In the morning

  • Pull your car forward as far as possible in the line and remain in your car.
  • Make sure that your child enters and exits your car on the building side.
  • Do not pass other cars in line.
  • No cell phone use/texting while in the Kiss and Ride lane.
  • Never leave your car unattended.
  • Please drive slowly.

In the afternoons

  • Kiss and Ride tags should be displayed from the rearview mirror.
  • Please stay in your car, and your child will come to you.
  • Families will not be allowed to wait in the lobby or under the overhang in front of the school. 
  • Please follow the directions of the staff on duty.
  • Kiss and Ride tags can be picked up in the main office during school hours.

Change in transportation plans? 

Please remember to send a note or email to the teacher and cc the attendance email ( [email protected] )

  • Children thrive on the consistency of a routine. We ask that you only make changes in transportation when necessary. If you require a change in your transportation routine due to a childcare need, please send an email to your child’s teacher on the morning of the change. We require a note from both the parent receiving your child and from you, the parent providing permission. Buses operate at capacity and we cannot guarantee FCPS buses can accommodate extra passengers. Playdates should be arranged after your child has arrived home.

Bus Riders

  • Those students eligible to ride the school bus will receive an email indicating their bus stop and time.
  • Bus riders will arrive and dismiss directly to/from classrooms.
  • Please report to the bus stop at least five minutes prior to the listed time.
  • Students are required to board and depart the bus at the assigned stop.
  • Please be patient with any changes or delays in the transportation schedule as adjustments are made during the first weeks of school.
  • Kindergarten students will not be let off the bus unless an adult or sibling in the seventh grade or older is present. Your child will be returned to school if no one is at the bus stop to meet them.
  • If you require a change in transportation, such as meeting a parent at Kiss-N-Ride, please email your child’s teacher in the morning of the change as teachers may not see an email during the day because they are teaching or in meetings.  Please copy the attendance email, ( [email protected] ). 
  • In order to ensure that your child arrives home safely, all changes need to be made by noon that day.

Wakefield Forest falls under FCPS Area II Transportation Services ( 703-446-2050 ).

Bike Riders and Walkers

Bike riders and walkers in K-3  will be dismissed from exit 10.   Students in grades 4-6 will arrive/dismiss directly from their Den.

Field Trips

  • During the school year, classes may take field trips that relate directly to the instructional program. Permission slips are sent home prior to the trip, and parents/guardians must return them to the school no later than the day before the scheduled trip. We cannot accept verbal permission. All students must ride school-arranged transportation to and from the field trip destination. Wakefield Forest often asks parents/guardians to help chaperone field trips. For safety and insurance reasons, other children may not accompany chaperoning parents on field trips.

Wakefield Forest falls under FCPS Area II Transportation Services. The office can be reached at 703-446-2050 .