Attendance Procedures

Procedures and policies regarding student attendance

Attendance Procedure

Regular attendance is a necessity for maximum school achievement. In order to assist in developing desirable patterns as well as increasing student learning, Virginia state law and FCPS require that students be punctual and regular in school and class attendance. Excessive absences will be referred to the school social worker.

Submitting Absence Information

Please be specific about the reason why your child will not be attending school today. If your reason for submitting a student absence is related to sickness, in the "Reason for Absence" blank space on the form below, please indicate whether your child has any of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling feverish or chills

  • Fever greater than or equal to 100.4 F

  • Headache (not due to another health condition, hunger, menstrual cramps stress, or injury) 

  • A new cough (not due to another health condition)

  •  Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties (not due to diagnosed respiratory condition or if different than normal pattern of chronic condition)

  • A new sore throat (not due to another health condition)

  • Congestion or runny nose (not related to allergies or health condition)

  • Fatigue (more tired than normal or sudden onset)

  • New muscle pain (not due to another health condition or that may have been caused by a specific activity such as physical exercise)

  • New loss of taste, smell, or appetite

  • Abdominal pain (not due to hunger, constipation, injury, or stress) Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

Excused Absences

It is the responsibility of the school to determine whether a student’s absence is excused or unexcused.  The parent/guardian should call the attendance hotline at (703) 813-5484 before 9:00 a.m. to report a student’s absence. Fairfax County lists the following excused absences:

  • Death in family
  • Illness of student
  • Suspension
  • Doctor’s or dentist’s appointment
  • Observance of a religious holiday
  • Prearranged absences approved by principal

Early Dismissal/Dismissal Change

If for any reason a student needs to be dismissed from school early or the way in which a student will be dismissed is changed, he/she must bring a note from his/her parent or guardian to their teacher in the morning. The note must state the reason and the time for the early dismissal and the name of the person to whom the student is to be released if it is someone other than the parent. The parent/guardian must come to the office and sign the student out at the time of dismissal. All changes must be made prior to 3:00 p.m. Students need to be signed out prior to our dismissal which begins at 3:20 p.m. Students will not be dismissed from school unless an authorized person signs them out.

Emergency Care Cards

Emergency care cards are urgently needed when a child becomes ill or is injured at school. Please provide the school with accurate emergency information and report changes promptly. Correct home and work telephone numbers are essential.


Please notify the main office in writing if you plan to move out of the Weyanoke Elementary School attendance area during the year. Such notice should be given a week before the student's last day and should indicate where the student will be re-registered in school. If you are moving within the Weyanoke Elementary School attendance area, please contact the main office to update your address and phone number. You must provide us with a copy of your new lease.  

Prearranged Absence

When a parent or guardian knows that a student will miss a day of school, a written request for a prearranged absence must be made. This should be done at least two school days in advance by completing a prearranged absence form in the office. The form should state the reason for the absence and the exact dates of the absence.  

Tardies to School

It is important that every effort is made to ensure that students arrive at school on time. If a student is late to school, a parent/guardian must accompany the child to the main office. Excessive tardiness will be referred to the school counselor.