How we organize ourselves

Unit 2 - How we organize ourselves

Transdisciplinary Theme

How we organize ourselves:an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

Central Idea

Humans examine and create systems that organize the world.Los humanos examinan y crean sistemas que organizan el mundo.

Key Concepts: Related Concepts

  • Function: Dysfunction
  • Form: Structure
  • Causation: Systems, Transformation

Lines of Inquiry

  • Classification and organization (function)
  • Function and dysfunction of systems (causation)
  • How systems help us understand the world (form)

Attributes of the Learner Profile

  • Balanced
  • Principled
  • Thinkers

Approaches to Learning

  • Thinking - Critical Reflection: What questions do I have now?
  • Social - Interpersonal Relationships: Advocate for one’s own rights and needs, and those of others.
  • Self-Management - Resilience (I can manage setbacks and challenges in a productive way)

FCPS Portrait of a Graduate Traits

  • Collaborator
  • Goal Directed and Resilient

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