Art at Deer Park

with Ms. Crabtree

The elementary art program of Fairfax County Public Schools is exploratory and conceptual in nature. Children explore a variety of thinking processes, art forms, materials, techniques, and sources of inspiration to solve artmaking challenges and make meaning of their world. The elementary art program is designed with a sustained focus on “A Sense of Place” providing students opportunities to question, explore, and document their perception of their place in the world. “A Sense of Place” is an enduring idea that validates the experiences of young artists, helps them understand what it means to be human, and challenges them to be more empathetic to the people, cultures, and environments they encounter. At each grade level, “A Sense of Place” is explored through a different, developmentally appropriate theme.

Check out our Facebook page - Deer Park Creative Artists

Portrait of a Graduate in Visual Art

Art is basic to the general education of every student in Fairfax County Public Schools and serves to develop the attributes identified in the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate.


  • Art instruction supports visual communication skills and understanding of visual culture
  • Art instruction challenges students to communicate meaningful ideas through artmaking  
  • Development of art media and technical skills enhances abilities to communicate ideas visually
  • Art instruction integrates development of speaking, listening, and writing skills through aesthetic inquiry, criticism, reflection, and research


  • Art instruction supports visual communication skills and understanding of visual culture  
  • Art instruction challenges students to communicate meaningful ideas through artmaking  
  • Development of art media and technical skills enhances abilities to communicate ideas visually  
  • Art instruction integrates development of speaking, listening, and writing skills through aesthetic inquiry, criticism, reflection, and research

Ethical and Global Citizen

  • Content and inquiry for art instruction are drawn from enduring ideas which promote understanding of what it means to be human, and challenge students to be more empathetic to the people, cultures, and environments they encounter
  • Art instruction introduces students to a broad range of artworks that represent the contributions to world civilization made by female and male artists from diverse cultures and ethnicity

Creative and Critical Thinkers

  • Art instruction provides a context for critical and creative thinking and provides challenges that require individual problem solving resulting in creative and mental growth  
  • Creative and critical thinking are explicitly taught through a variety of idea development, planning, and reflection strategies
  • Art instruction provides opportunities to look at, discuss, analyze, and judge art, and learn about the cultural, social, and historical context of art  
  • Art instruction provides opportunities to personally reflect on ideas, experiences, objects, processes, or products to deepen understanding

Goal Directed and Resilient Individual

  • Art instruction provides a context for students to become active constructors of knowledge and persist in accomplishing complex tasks.  
  • Art production is personal and intentional and allows students to set goals, complete tasks, manage projects, and take risks.

Meet your Deer Park Art Teacher

    Ms. Crabtree began teaching as a Gifted and Talented Special Education Teacher in West Virginia in 1996, before moving to FCPS to serve as an Art Resource Specialist in 2000.  Ms. Crabtree has enjoyed working with the Deer Park Artists since 2004 and loves seeing the students’ progress from K-6th grade.  

    In January 2016, she was honored to be nominated for FCPS Outstanding Teacher Award by a parent and recognized by FCPS leadership as a finalist for the award.  In the spring of 2014, Ms. Crabtree was honored to receive the Virginia Education Association's Award for Teaching Excellence. These awards highlight her dedication and achievements inside the classroom as well as her constant advocacy outside the classroom.  She has served as a Board of Director for the National Education Association as well as the state and local associations.

    In 2014-15 Ms. Crabtree served as a Global Learning Fellow for the National Education Association Foundation. As part of the fellowship, she traveled to Peru for a ten-day field placement where she traveled the country to learn about the culture, education system, and the importance of global education. This fellowship inspired her to incorporate more cultural and global education within art lessons. After the placement some fifth-grade students had the opportunity to work with the Peruvian artist, Pablo Seminario via Google hangout. In the spring of 2017, a grant from the NEA Foundation allowed Pablo and his wife who is also an artist, Marilu Behar, to visit Deer Park for a week to meet and work with all our wonderful artists and families!  The mural in our lobby was created during Pablo and Marilu's visit by sixth grade students and staff under their direction. 

    Ms. Crabtree's favorite medium to work with is paint, although every material is an adventure waiting to be explored! In the evenings, you can often find her cheering for the Nats and Caps!