Class of 2025


Class of 2025 Overview:

Welcome to the Class of 2025 class page! We are hoping that your junior year will be the most exciting year yet. Your officers are hoping to bring some new fundraising ideas to the table and would welcome any support from you.  


Stay tuned for the Class of 2025's monthly Krispy Kreme fundraisers to raise for Prom, Homecoming, Athletics, and other class events!

Please reach out to @email to contact our officers with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!

Class Officers:

  • Shri Bala
  • Zachary Bloom
  • Amy Fernandez Garcia
  • Hope Mukengele
  • Abhi Naren
  • Aisha Telhan


Sorya Or | [email protected]

Paul Naanou  | [email protected]

Cameron Leo-Vargas  |  @email


Peter Lake | [email protected]