
Absent, late arrival, or early dismissal procedures.

School Arrival and Tardiness

  • Children should arrive at school no earlier than 8:50 a.m. and no later than 9:15 a.m. Classes begin promptly at 9:20, therefore, children are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom by 9:20 a.m. Parents must bring students into the Main Office when arriving late.

Absences and Late Arrivals

  • All student absences must be supported by a valid excuse. When your child will be absent from school or arriving late, go to the GBW web site, click on the “Attendance Form” below, and complete the information requested. If this method is not available, please call the Attendance Line (available 24 hours) at (703) 633-6767 . Reporting must be done by 9:00 a.m. For absences that will occur in the future (out of town plans for example), parents should provide the school with a written note before the absence occurs.

Parent Explanation of Absence

  • Parents should notify the school prior to, or at the start of, the school day when their child will be absent. When a student has been absent from school for any reason other than for a school sponsored activity, and the parents have not previously contacted the school, the parent must send written or electronic communication citing the reason(s) for the absence to the principal or designee no later than three days following the student’s return to school.

Early Release of Students

  • If you wish your child to be dismissed early, a note should be sent to the teacher that day. Parents or guardians must come into the Main Office to sign out a student. Students will remain with their teacher until notified by office personnel. The release of children to adults other than parents or guardians is prohibited unless authorized by the parents or guardians.

Permission to Go Home with Another Student

  • Permission for a student to go home with another student may be granted for school-related projects only. A note is required (by 12:00 p.m.) from parents of both children if a child is going home with another child after school. Bus riders are limited to bringing home ONE other student. If more students are involved in the project, parents will need to make other transportation arrangements.