Digital Citizenship

Learn more about digital citizenship and what it means at Haycock Elementary.

The past decade has seen an exponential increase in digital tools and opportunities, which carry the need for students to master a new set of life skills for behaving safely, ethically and responsibly online. Students are much more likely to understand good digital citizenship — the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use — when teachers and parents/trusted adults model it and explicitly teach and promote it on a regular basis.

-Helen Crompton, Know the ISTE Standards for Teachers: Model Digital Citizenship

FCPS utilizes the Common Sense Education K-12 curriculum to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to approach their digital participation with empathy, ethics, and a sense of individual, social and civic responsibility. In addition, teachers embed digital citizenship education daily as students engage with technology for learning and when possible, make connections to curriculum concepts being taught.

Resources for Home

Digital Citizenship Lessons at School

Students at Haycock Elementary will be engaging in Digital Citizenship lessons throughout the school year. Each lesson is accompanied by a family tip sheet to help families support and build upon the concepts being learned at school. (Translated versions of the family tip sheets are available using the link above)

Below are titles of the specific stand-alone lessons in which your child will participate this school year. 

  • Going Places Safely
  • Staying Safe Online
  • My Online Community
  • Private & Personal Information
  • Digital Citizenship Pledge
  • Picture Perfect
  • Cyberbullying: Be Upstanding

Each grade level's lesson will be completed in homeroom classrooms during the first quarter. Our teachers support good digital citizenship habits daily in classrooms.