Get Involved

Parent Volunteers 

Many enriching and worthwhile experiences are afforded our children through volunteer help from parents. With this support, teachers are able to provide more direct instruction.

Parents interested in volunteering time are requested to contact the classroom teacher. By FCPS code, volunteers who work on a regular basis in the school must provide a current TB test or x-ray. Young siblings may not accompany the parent who is volunteering.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Kent Gardens Parent Teacher Association (PTA) welcomes all parents, teachers and community members to join in its activities and provide suggestions for future actions.

The PTA is also a member of county, state and national PTA organizations. The National PTA has a three-fold mission:

  • To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of the nation;
  • To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children;
  • To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools and before Government agencies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children.

The Kent Gardens PTA sponsors foreign language and other enrichment classes before and after school, a fun fair, cultural arts, community outreach, and student field trips. General membership meetings are held monthly.

Please contact  @email  for more information or to volunteer!

Kent Gardens ES Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Stay Connected with Kent Gardens Elementary

FCPS Cares

FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.

Business and Community Partnerships

The Business and Community Partnerships office’s primary functions are to recruit and supports  Ignite Partnerships , serve as a liaison to local Chambers of Commerce and other community organizations, help lead the annual  Collect for Kids  school supply drive, manage the FCPS  Donations Portal  for donated goods, and promote the  Savings for Staff  merchant discount program.

In the last decade, the Business & Community Partnerships team has helped secure over ten million dollars in donations of money and valued goods through partnerships and direct donations, not including the value of volunteer hours contributed by partners and mentors.

Parent Volunteers 

Volunteers are essential to the success of Fairfax County Public Schools. Many enriching and worthwhile experiences are afforded to our children through the volunteer help from parents. Every day, volunteers change the lives of students across FCPS and we offer several ways for people in the community to get involved.

Volunteer Opportunities with FCPS

Background Checks for Volunteers