Ms. Vide Recognized as FCPS Cares of the Month Recipient!

December 2018's FCPS Cares Region 2 Recipient

By Department of Human Resources
January 27, 2019

nicole vide awardCongratulations to Nicole Vide on being recognized as the December 2018 FCPS Cares Recipient of the Month for Region 2by the Department of Human Resources. Congratulations, Ms. Vide!

Ms. Vide was recognized in front of the Mason Crest staff along with a breakfast celebration that was paid for by the FCPS Foundation. The MCES Administrative Team poses for a picture with Ms. Vide in the photo above.

Below is the write up submitted by a parent of one of Ms. Vide's students. 

Ms. Vide is truly a gem! My son just started wearing glasses and she noticed that he was feeling a little embarrassed being only one of two kids who wear glasses in class. She wore hers to school the same week to show him that wearing glasses can be cool. She also offered suggestions on how I could help my son keep track of them based on her own experiences with her son. This is just one example of how Ms. Vide has gone above and beyond for us. Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that make the biggest difference in the life of a child. I’m so grateful you are in our lives Ms. Vide, you have really touched us with your natural ability to be caring and thoughtful!