Navy Elementary School - History Sources

Fairfax County School Board Minutes

January 5, 1954:Progress on other site acquisitions was reported as follows: Pender-Navy areas – Contract signed for and down payment made on part of Thompson tract at intersection of Routes 608 and 669. $750.00 per acre.

July 15, 1954:Because topography at Navy School site makes reuse of existing plans at 3% architect fee more costly to the School Board than paying 5% fee for new plans, Mrs. Lory moved that Ballou and Justice be authorized to draw new plans, at 5% fee, for the Navy School. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and it carried.

November 2, 1954:Mr. Robinson moved that the school to be constructed in the Pender-Navy area be called the NAVY SCHOOL, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kirby, and carried.

March 1, 1955:Mr. Woodson reported that he had replied to the Navy Community League’s request for definite information concerning the status of plans for the Navy School. Mr. Darr moved approval of re-appointments of principals for the 1955-56 school year as follows: Navy Elementary – Vacant.

March 17, 1955:Award of contract for the construction of Navy Elementary School to Blackwell Engineering Company of Warrenton, Virginia in the amount of $311,632.00. Architect Ballou & Justice. [ Principal Harrison stated in a report that the building was completed at a cost of $312,184 ].

May 24, 1955:Anne Brooks was appointed Cafeteria Manager of Navy Elementary.

September 6, 1955:Mr. Woodson read correspondence with the State Board of Education to the effect that transfer of the Literary Loan from the Oak Street School to the Navy School was approve on condition of payment of 3% interest. [ This loan was transferred because the Fairfax County School Board had sold Oak Street Elementary School to the City of Falls Church ].

November 1, 1955:Dean Holdaway was transferred from custodian at Floris Elementary to custodian at Navy Elementary effective September 6, 1955 at a salary of $2,780 per year, 12-month contract.

December 6, 1955:Mrs. Virginia B. Bray was appointed a teacher at Navy Elementary at an annual salary of $3,400 effective November 17, 1955.

February 7, 1956:Mrs. Frances L. Harris had her salary raised from $1,800 to $3,600 per year effective January 16, 1956 because she was assigned to Navy School in addition to Centreville and put on full-time instead of part-time.

March 6, 1956:Rex Holdaway, the part-time custodian at Navy Elementary, resigned effective Feb. 15, 1956. He had been appointed to the position just a few days earlier, on Feb. 7, 1956; Construction – The Board approved Change Order # 5 on Navy School constituting $943.56 extra for extending depth of the well beyond the contracted depth; Letter from Mrs. Harrison, Principal of the Navy School, was received expressing the appreciation of the faculty and student body for the new school building. Mr. Heriot offered the following resolution on the completion of the Navy School which was adopted by the Board: WHEREAS, the County School Board of Fairfax County, Virginia, entered into a contract on March 22, 1955, with the Blackwell Engineering Company for the construction of the Navy Elementary School; and WHEREAS, this school has been substantially completed and is now occupied by the School Board for classroom instruction, and WHEREAS, the State Board of Education on or about August 3, 1955, approved a loan from the Literary Fund of Virginia totaling $282,000 for the construction of this school plant. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County School Board of Fairfax County, Virginia, advise the State Board of Education of the completion of the Navy Elementary School and respectfully request the $282,000 loan be forwarded to the office of the Division Superintendent of Schools.

April 3, 1956:The Board accepted invitation to lunch at the Navy School at 1:00 P.M.; Donald Edward Coryell was appointed part-time custodian helper at Navy Elementary at a salary of $500 per year, 12-month contract, effective March 21, 1956.

April 10, 1956:Mrs. Louise R. Harrison was appointed principal of Navy Elementary for the 1956-57 school year.

May 1, 1956:Navy School PTA’s request that their school have no combination grades was presented to the Board. Board members thought this, as well as several other phases of school operation from a curriculum standpoint should be given full discussion by the Board at a special meeting.

August 7, 1956:Mr. Blackwell, contractor on the Navy School, and Mr. Justice, Architect on this construction, were present relative to Mr. Blackwell’s protest against the Board’s denial of two change orders, on recommendation of the architect, and assessment of liquidated damages against him on this project to the extent of 54 days at $50 per day, 45 days extension having been granted for delay in millwork. …A great deal of the controversy involved installation of a handrail on a stairway. …The matter was referred to the Board’s construction committee for some recommendation to the Board and that all such controversial construction matters be resolved by this committee for its recommendations to the Board.

September 4, 1956:Mrs. Marguerite B. Marchant was appointed a teacher at Navy Elementary at a salary of $4,300 per year.

September 18, 1956:The Board granted an extension of 45 days over contract period on the Navy School construction be sustained, and Mr. Blackwell’s request for 54 additional days extension denied.

June 18, 1957:Mrs. Annie Brooks was appointed Cafeteria Manager of Navy Elementary for the 1957-58 session.

July 16, 1957:Mrs. Maryana G. James was appointed School Clerk at Navy Elementary for the 1957-58 session at a salary of $2,820, 10.75-month contract.

August 6, 1957:Navy School arbitration, requested by the contractor, Blackwell Engineering Company, because of difference on penalty assessed, resulted in decision that the School Board owes the contractor $1,650, for penalty not allowed, plus $37.50 (one-half the fee) for each of the three members of the Arbitration Board. $2,700 had been held for 54 days penalty decided on by the School Board, but only 21 days penalty was permitted by decision of the Arbitration Board. Contractor’s attorney has indicated his client’s willingness to accept the award of the arbitrators. The Board accepted the decision of the Arbitration Board in the matter of the Navy School penalty against the contract and authorized payments as stipulated.

November 5, 1957:Resolution of the Navy School Parent-Teacher Association opposing an airport in the Chantilly area and requesting the Board’s support in such opposition was acknowledged with the comment that there is no action the School Board can take on such matter other than to offer its services to whatever agency may request information about schools in the different areas of the county; Several school additions are ready for architect assignments. Consideration was therefore given the staff’s recommendation that Bren Mar School type construction plans be used on school additions at follows: Navy Elementary School – 6 classroom addition (original architect – Ballou & Justice). It was agreed that a standard plan should be used on all three additions with only one architect working on all the projects mentioned. However, some difference was expressed as to whether Bren Mar type construction should be used, Coordinator of Architectural Services, Mr. Wooldridge, expressing the preference that the type of building to be constructed be left somewhat flexible so as not to pose too much difficulty to the local architect selected who would not be familiar with the Bren Mar prefab type of work, even though Mr. Pentecost, Bren Mar architect, has indicated his willingness to collaborate with a local man who, after a few such jobs, would be able to handle such structure himself. The Board passed a motion to this effect, with architect recommendation to be made to the Board at its November 12 th meeting.  

November 12, 1957:The Board allocated bond funding to cover the addition to Navy Elementary, 6-rooms, at an estimated cost of $132,000. The architecture firm of Pickett & Siess of Falls Church was assigned to prepare the plans for the additions to Navy, Pimmit Hills, and Hollin Hills schools.

December 3, 1957:Navy Elementary was one of 23 schools that had been closed for five days due to high incidence of influenza cases necessitating make up days in February and May.

January 7, 1958:Mrs. Jane S. Hulett was appointed a teacher at Navy Elementary at a salary of $3,900 per year effective January 2, 1958. Mrs. Joan B. Finneran resigned from teaching at Navy Elementary, effective Dec. 20, 1957, due to pregnancy.

March 4, 1958:George L. Gantt resigned as part-time custodian at Navy Elementary effective January 22, 1958 due to his wife’s illness.

March 18, 1958:The Board adopted the required resolution assuring adequate supervision of construction projects: Munson Hill HS, Freedom Hill ES addition, Navy ES addition, Pimmit Hills ES addition, Hollin Hills ES addition, and Fairfax HS addition.

April 1, 1958:Guy Holdaway was appointed part-time custodian at Navy Elementary effective Feb. 27, 1958, at a salary of $525 per year, 10-month contract.

May 6, 1958:The contract for the Navy Elementary School addition was awarded to the Lindon Construction Company at a base bid of $51,700. [ FCPS Facilities records have it completed at a cost of $50,500 and Principal Harrison stated it was $50,447 ].

May 20, 1958:Mrs. Louise R. Harrison was appointed principal of Navy Elementary for the 1958-59 school year.

November 18, 1959:Mr. Verlin W. Smith had submitted letter dated November 13, 1959, objecting to the necessity of the Navy School Parent-Teacher Association's having to budget funds to cover cost of toll charges from that school’s office for calls not covered by reimbursement from School Board budget. Mr. Robert Smith addressed the Board this evening, pursuing the point that Navy School’s location unfortunately placed it in the position of having quite a few toll calls since a large number of the children attending live in areas served by exchanges requiring such additional charges when called from the Navy School’s Herndon exchange. He maintained this was an unfair penalty on this school’s PTA and the cost should be absorbed by the School Board, particularly since their PTA funds are so limited and have to cover so many other items. Apparently other schools have the privilege of making many more calls, within the regulations governing reimbursement, because of the telephone company’s placing of its lines and exchanges. This led to a revival of the Board's consideration, during early budgeting for this school session, of absorbing all school telephone costs, which budget item was eliminated when reductions were made. Some Board members still strongly feel this is a cost which should be a part of the overall School Board budget and again to be considered for the 1960-61 year. However, with respect to this particular request, it was decided that Mr. Heriot, Trustee of the Centreville District in which the Navy School is located, would attempt to resolve the issue with the administration.

December 12, 1963:Contract for site improvements on the Masonville, Navy, North Springfield, and Sleepy Hollow School properties was awarded to S. A. Bruno in the amount of $80,415.00 by motion of Mr. Smoot, seconded by Mr. Clark, and carried.

April 9, 1964:Desegregation plans included the closing of Oak Grove Elementary School at the end of the current term and disperse the students among the neighboring elementary schools: Floris, Herndon, and Navy. This action would place 23 more Negro pupils at Floris, 21 more at Herndon, and 15 at Navy.

June 25, 1964:The contract for sound installations in the Floris, Navy, Centreville, Clifton, and Wakefield Forest Elementary Schools was awarded to Shrader Sound, Inc., at a figure of $12,585.

November 11, 1965:Dr. H. Kretzschmar, President of the Navy School PTA, submitted request for provision of kindergartens.

March 13, 1967:Proposed boundaries of the new schools were outlined by Mr. Chesley, and the schools influenced by each were noted as follows: Brookfield Elementary: Floris, Centreville, Navy.

February 6, 1969:Hunters Woods Elementary School will open with an anticipated membership of 694, affecting Navy, Lake Anne, and Herndon elementary Schools.

June 5, 1969:The following resolution with respect to the retirement of Mrs. Louise Harrison was adopted: WHEREAS, Mrs. Harrison began an exemplary career in education 46 years ago at Navy Elementary School; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Harrison has provided inspirational leadership for this school as principal since the new building opened in 1955; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Harrison typifies the high caliber of retiring personnel whose professional attitude has and is providing a program of quality education for the children of Fairfax County; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Harrison has devoted 22 years of service to this community, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fairfax County School Board recognizes her performance, dedication, and many accomplishments during this period of public service, and directs that a copy of this resolution of commendation be signed by the Chairman for presentation to her and another copy to be included in her permanent record, dated this 5 th day of June, 1969. 

July 17, 1972:Mr. Bergoffen stated it appears that the Herndon Elementary School would house about 1,000 students with the excess in temporary facilities. He also gave program capacity and projected enrollments for the Floris and Navy Elementary Schools, anticipating that the three schools would have to house approximately 1,643 students.

July 27, 1972:The Board approved the proposed school bond issue program, including the sum of $433,500 to air condition Herndon, Lake Anne, Navy, and Great Falls Elementary Schools required for implementation of year round school feasibility study in the Herndon High School attendance area. It was pointed out that if these air conditioning projects were not carried in this referendum, it was possible there would not be another referendum until November 1973, which would give a very close construction schedule to get this air conditioning installed by June of 1974.

January 23, 1973:Mr. Charles Scott, President, Navy Elementary School PTA, spoke. He advised that it was felt Navy School should not continue to be excluded from the bond issue for these reasons: Present enrollment of 453 students is an economically viable size for an elementary school and can support any educational programs in being or planned for Fairfax County. The school planning staff position that the school cannot be enlarged is not a justification (nor a valid rationalization) for not updating an obsolete plant. The plant facility has not been improved since about 1958. During the last 14 years, programs, needs, and the surrounding community have changed drastically. The school operates at maximum capacity on a septic system, as are all the $45,000-$75,000 homes in the area. Mr. Scott said that a library-media center, a music room, and a physical education facility are needed at the school, and stressed that a modern Navy School could also be used for adult education and other community activities in the evening, since Oakton and Herndon are the closest such facilities. He advised support of the efforts of Floris community toward building a new school on Centreville Road, and that a proposal to rebuild Navy and start construction on the new Floris should be included in this bond issue It was felt this approach should also broaden the voter support in the Centreville area for the bond referendum.

June 17, 1974:Mr. William Whitesides, president, Navy Elementary School PTA, expressed concern that the modernization/renewal schools already planned had priority for construction over new projects. Therefore, he asked that the bond issue information clarify the confusion between the explanation of "referendum year" and the explanation of priority for modernization/renewal projects. He expressed concern about the wording of some of the referendum material which implied a slowdown in the modernization/renewal program if the revision of Policy 7030 was adopted. For this reason, the Navy PTA could not support the bond referendum as presented if the modernization/renewal projects already planned were to be delayed nor could they support the revision of Policy 7030 for this reason. He urged the inclusion of Navy Elementary School for a modernization/renewal project as a remedy for many of the functional problems and educational deficiencies of the present plant.

October 10, 1974:IV-B. Construction - Review of Revised Conceptual Design of Navy Elementary School Modernization Renewal Project. Mr. Hlavin stated this conceptual design was being brought back to the Board for further approval because of conclusions drawn from further study of what had originally been approved. Mr. Hlavin stated that stepping the school down the site was less costly than the previously approved concept due mainly to reducing circulation space. The change in design was estimated to save between $78,000 and $80,000 and it was felt that this was a better educational arrangement. The revised conceptual design had been discussed with the community and a letter had been received from the Navy School PTA unanimously approving this concept. Mr. Robert Abrash of the architectural firm of Abrash & Eddy presented the details of this revised concept using charts. Mr. Page moved the Board adopt the revised conceptual design for the modernization/renewal of the Navy Elementary School presented by the staff and architect. The motion was seconded by Mr. Eure and carried unanimously. The Chairman recognized Mr. William Whitesides, President of the Navy School PTA who was present.

June 24, 1976:A contract for system upgrades at Crestwood, Fairview, and Navy Elementary Schools was awarded to James E. Feeney Co., Inc., for $216,932. Architect William A. Klene was commissioned to provide professional services for the system upgrade project at Navy Elementary by the School Board at its meeting on July 22, 1976.

January 27, 1977:Dr. Ford mentioned the overcrowded situations at the Navy and Hutchison Elementary Schools and advised she may be coming back to the Board later with a proposal for temporary buildings at those locations, possibly a change in location of the relocatable buildings from Lake Anne Elementary School.

January 26, 1978:The Navy Elementary School continued to have a problem of sewage disposal since that school was not yet on a public sewer line. The school, therefore, was limited to an enrollment of 450 students. Last year a portion of the Navy area was transferred to Flint Hill Elementary School and Dr. Ford recommended that another part of the Navy attendance area be transferred to Flint Hill Elementary School next year. The change in these boundaries would affect approximately 66 students.

March 9, 1978:Ms. Rachel Rochford, speaking as an individual. The speaker expressed concern about the proposed boundary change which would affect the Navy Elementary School. She thought this was the wrong time for such a boundary change because of the anticipated wave of growth in that general area. She did not want to have their children transported six miles away to another school. It was anticipated that [ construction of a new elementary school at Mumford Park ] would relieve the existing overcrowding at the Navy Elementary. The community did not agree with the proposed temporary stopgap method in this boundary change suggested for the next school year. In September it was anticipated the Navy School would open with fewer students than it had at the present time even if they did not make any change in the boundary. [ The boundary change was approved by the School Board at its meeting on March 23, 1978 ].

June 29, 1978:Mr. Hlavin stated there were three more elementary school renewal projects to be let to contract that were out for bids at the present time: Navy, Fairview, and Chesterbrook Elementary Schools.

July 13, 1978:The low bid on the Navy Elementary renovation project was $104,700 in excess of the project estimate. The Board directed the Design and Construction Department to negotiate with the low bidder on the Navy Elementary project for the purpose of reducing the cost of the project.

July 27, 1978:The Board awarded the construction contract for an addition and alterations to Navy Elementary School to N. S. Stavrou Construction Company, Incorporated, for $531,450. [ A library, gymnasium, and music room were added at this time ].

January 13, 1982:Citizen Participation – Steve Comer, teacher at Navy Elementary School, presented his classroom and salary concerns.

December 2, 1982:Mr. Hlavin outlined the following proposals for inclusion in the 1984-88 Capital Improvement Program: Addition to Navy Elementary, 1987-88. The CIP contained a ten-room addition to Navy Elementary after the sewer hook-up was accomplished in order to accommodate expected growth in the vicinity of the school. They anticipated no boundary changes for those students presently in Navy Elementary in relation to the future growth projected west of Ox Road.

December 16, 1982:Boundary adjustments were being considered for several schools. Navy Elementary School was projected to be 53% over capacity enrollment in five years.

December 15, 1983:Mr. Hlavin presented the proposed FY 1985-89 Capital Improvement Program: Ten-classroom addition to Navy Elementary proposed for the 1986-87 school year.

June 14, 1984:The Superintendent’s Proposed 1984 Bond Referendum included funding for the construction of a 10-classroom addition to Navy Elementary.

July 11, 1985:The Board approved the award of contract for construction of an addition to Navy Elementary School to E. H. Glover, Inc., in the amount of $1,728,000. [ A new wing was added – 10 classrooms, cafeteria expansion, sewer connection, complete revision of site for school bus loop ].

May 8, 1986:The Board awarded the contract for re-roofing/repairs at Annandale Terrace Elementary School to R.D. Bean, Inc., in the amount of $72,885; at Hunt Valley Elementary School to George Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of $184,743; and at Navy Elementary School to J. E. Wood & Sons Co., Inc., in the amount of $105,372.

January 14, 1988:The Board entered into a land exchange with Carr Properties, Inc. whereby a portion of the school land was deeded to Carr Properties and adjoining land was deeded to the School Board; the deal also included the construction of a new soccer field and the installation of a chain link fence.

April 14, 1988:A bond referendum was to go before the electorate in November 1988. The bond was for $179,960,000 to fund various construction projects, including… air conditioning at previously renewed schools: Navy Elementary.

June 14, 1990:The Board awarded the contracts for completion of air conditioning at Clifton Elementary School to Keystone Builders, Inc., in the amount of $304,000; and at Navy Elementary School to Bennett Air Conditioning, Inc., in the amount of $349,720.

March 7, 1991:Navy Elementary School’s boundary was adjusted because of the anticipated opening of Waples Mill (Pender/Franklin Site) Elementary School. See minutes for details.

February 13, 1992:The Board awarded the contract for the re-roofing of Cunningham Park ES, Navy ES, and Franconia ES to J & R Roofing Company, Inc., in the amount of $136,420.

December 17, 1992:The Board awarded the contract for the replacement of underground fuel oil tanks at Navy ES and Floris ES to Bar-Dick Construction Corporation in the amount of $72,756.

April 11, 1996:The Board awarded the contract for technology cabling at ten elementary schools (Dogwood, Floris, Forest Edge, Greenbriar East, Greenbriar West, Hunters Woods, Hutchison, Kent Gardens, Navy, and Wolftrap) to A-Com, Inc., for $634,067.

October 7, 1996:View from the Schools Regarding Student Behavior Issues: Dale Brooks, Navy Elementary School Principal. See minutes for details.

March 20, 1997:The Board awarded the contract for the boiler replacement at Navy ES to AMS Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $141,200.

January 28, 1999:Mrs. Strauss moved, and Ms. Amundson seconded, to amend the CIP to add Forestville Elementary School as a school in need of a future six classroom addition and to name Franklin Sherman Elementary School as one of the schools to be renewed after Navy Elementary as part of the soon-to-be generated new renewal list.

September 9, 1999:Navy ES was overcrowded and had seven trailers. Navy was “unexpectedly bursting at the seams.”

January 25, 2001:Mr. Chevalier discussed the proposed attendance area adjustments for the 2001-2002 school year with a slide presentation; he said that the new McNair Farms elementary school would open in September 2001 and would impact Dranesville, Clearview, Herndon, Hutchison, and Floris Elementary Schools; that community meetings had been held in November and December 2000; that administrative changes would be made to respond to new housing developments, but no resident students would be affected; that changes were proposed to relieve the severe overcrowding at Navy Elementary School; that a Public Hearing would be held on February 12 and a work session would be convened on February 13; and that the Board was scheduled to act on the recommendations at its regular meeting on February 22.

April 5, 2001:The Board awarded the contract for the re-roofing of Navy Elementary to Brothers Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $377,755.

January 24, 2002:CIP Discussion: Navy Elementary School was a perfect example; that Navy was one of the older elementaries in the western part of the County and was in dire need of renovation and an addition; that the addition of modular classrooms counted as new construction instead of renovation, but it served the same children.

June 26, 2003:The Board awarded the contract for the addition to Navy Elementary School to Milestone Construction Services, Inc., in the amount of $4,768,000. [ 35,984 square feet, two-story addition according to The Washington Post, Oct. 31, 2002, Page FS-30, What’s Going Where in Fairfax County and The Washington Post, Sept. 25, 2003, Page T-26, Projects Proposed ].

February 26, 2004:The County budget included funding for adding a School Age Child Care (SACC) program at Navy and Sunrise Valley Elementary Schools.

December 16, 2004:As part of the Consent Agenda, the Board awarded the contract for the renovation of Navy Elementary School. However, the minutes do not specify to whom the contract was awarded or the amount of the project cost.

December 20, 2012:Recommendation to authorize the establishment of new advanced academic program (AAP) centers in fall 2013 at Lemon Road, Westbriar, and Navy Elementary Schools, for the purpose of relieving severe overcrowding at Haycock, Louise Archer, and Hunters Woods Elementary Schools. The Board voted 10-2 in favor of this recommendation at its meeting on January 24, 2013.

Newspaper Articles

Connection Newspaper

October 22, 1986: Navy Addition Celebrated . Navy Elementary School’s PTA hosted a rededication ceremony Saturday to celebrate 18,000 square feet of new classroom space, a new foyer and an enlarged cafeteria. Students sang and took part in a talent show, and ate spaghetti with their parents in the cafeteria.

The Evening/Sunday Star

February 25, 1955, Page C-6: Proposals . Sealed Proposals for the construction of Navy Elementary School, Fairfax County, Virginia, will be received by the County School Board of Fairfax County, Virginia, at the office of Superintendent W. T. Woodson until 7:30 P.M., March 17, which time they will be publicly opened and read. Plans, specifications, and contract documents must be obtained at the office of Ballou and Justice, Architects and Engineers, 106 East Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia, upon deposit of $25.00.

September 4, 1955, Page A-6: Jam Eased in Fairfax . A bonanza crop of new buildings is ready for the opening of Fairfax County Schools on Tuesday [ Sept. 6, 1955 ] when 32,000 youngsters are expected to report. Eleven new elementary schools and one new high school have been added to Fairfax County’s rapidly growing system since the summer vacation began. Most of them are ready to open Tuesday, although a few will not be occupied for a month or two. Other new schools will be finished later in the year. Of 1,104 classrooms – including those buildings to be completed later in the year – 825 have been built since 1951. Still it will be necessary to place roughly 1,600 children on half-day shifts in some schools. The new facilities opening this fall are as follows: Navy within 60 days.

February 5, 1956, Page B-22. PTA Calendar . Wednesday – Navy Elementary School PTA – Discussion of “Health and Safety,” at the school in Navy, Virginia.

May 14, 1956, Page B-3: New Fairfax School To Hold Fun Festival . The new Navy Elementary School in Fairfax County will stage its first annual fun festival and bazaar from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the school which is located on State Route 608 between Pender and Floris. Guest entertainers will include Ray Haney of WRC-TV, the Fox Studio Dancers, the Morrow Theater Dancers, and Red Tannen. There also will be a band concert, a variety show, pony rides, games and other attractions. The Navy School PTA is sponsoring the festival to raise funds for playground equipment.

May 6, 1957, Page B-3: Pick Temple to Star . Pick Temple, TV star will be featured in the annual fun festival sponsored by the Navy Elementary School near Pender, Virginia, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

September 20, 1957, Page B-3: Fairfax Schools to Sell $5.5 Million in Bonds . A $5.5 million bond sale was approved last night by the Fairfax County School Board. About $3.5 million of the issue, which will be sold around November 1, will be used for construction of high schools at Vienna and Munson Hill, according to Robert B. Walker, assistant superintendent. Deferment Possibilities – Selections will probably be made among the following suggested projects for which bond money has been considered: A six-room addition to Navy Elementary School.

June 3, 1976, Page D-13. Proposals . Sealed Proposals for heating, ventilation, and electrical work at Crestwood, Fairview, and Navy Elementary Schools will be received by Fairfax County Public Schools, 10700 Page Avenue, Fairfax, Virginia, until 3:00 p.m. June 22, 1976. Bidding documents available from Department of Design and Construction at above address.

The Moorefield Examiner, West Virginia

December 4, 1985: Moorefield Elementary School Ready For Students Again . After the elementary school in Moorefield, West Virginia was destroyed by flood waters in 1985, a Navy Elementary School parent heard about an “adopt a class” program on the news to provide school supplies to the Moorefield School. Navy’s first grade classes used their own money to buy school supplies for their adopted classroom [ Mrs. Elizabeth Hott’s first grade class ], and fifth and sixth graders raised $300 so that Moorefield could buy new textbooks. All of the classes at Navy brought in canned goods to go with the supplies.

The Sun Gazette

December 19, 1991: Students at Navy Elementary ‘Sworn In’ as Postal Employees . The students were given their own addresses, post office boxes, and postal employees. Done as part of the U.S. Postal Service’s “Wee Deliver” program. The school was divided into sections, with each section being a town, and each class a street, and each desk an address number. The students improved their reading and writing skills by mailing letters to friends and classmates. The letters were delivered by students sworn in as mail carriers. 

The Washington Post

January 9, 1953, Page 17: Fairfax Bonds Could Build 297 Classrooms . The program calls for 231 additional classrooms and 66 high school classrooms. New elementary schools: Pender-Navy, 6-classrooms.

January 6, 1955, Page 22: Six Schools To Be Built In Fairfax. Fairfax County school officials yesterday listed eight projects which would be built with $3 million bond money to be marketed February 1. Most of the new money will be used for five new elementary schools and Belle Willard School designated for the rehabilitation of handicapped children and located in the rear of the Joseph Willard Health Center. The new schools to be built are… Pender-Navy Elementary School, a six-room building between Floris and Herndon.

September 4, 1955, Page A-17: Fairfax Due for Record Sign-Up. Enrollment will exceed 32,000, a sizeable increase over the 28,134 membership when school closed last June. Eleven new elementary schools and one new high school will be opened on September 6 to a give a measure of relief to the overcrowding which has plagued this system since World War II. Two additional elementary schools, Masonville and Navy, will open within 60 days and four others will open at mid-year, giving the county a total of 18 new buildings in one school year.

June 14, 1982, Page C-5: KIDS: The Playground’s the Thing .

March 19, 1995, Page B-01: Splintered Over New Playgrounds; Some Parents Object As Fairfax Replaces Old Wood Structures .

March 23, 1995, Page V-01: GIVING IT THEIR BEST SHOT; Photojournalist's `Homework' Puts Schoolchildren Behind the Camera .