Advancement Via Individual Determination

image of the avid department on the stairs at Oakton

Our Mission

Oakton AVID is a place “in which a group’s collective, as well as an individual’s, thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted as part of the regular, day-to-day experience of all group members.” (Ritchhart, Creating Cultures of Thinking, 2015)

AVID’s systematic approach is designed to support students as they develop their abilities as learners and thinkers in preparation for attendance at a college of their choosing.

AVID Elective Course Objectives

  • Will succeed in a rigorous curriculum,
  • Will complete a rigorous college preparatory path,
  • Will increase their enrollment in four-year colleges, and
  • Will become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society.
  • Students will develop and master  writing, critical reading and  inquiry skills.
  • Students will  collaborate to solve problems and help each other.
  • Students will develop  critical thinking and  logic skills.
  • Students will master effective organizational, note-taking and study skills to succeed in rigorous, advanced high school classes.

Learn more

Please feel free to come learn more about Oakton AVID during the Electives Fair, Curriculum Night, or via email with anyone on our team. More about the national AVID organization is available at  www.avid.org . AVID has also been featured in  articles  by Jay Matthews and is explored in depth in his book Question Everything: The Rise of AVID as the nation’s largest college-readiness program.


Department Chair and Administrator