Kiss and Ride Arrival and Dismissal

Ravensworth Kiss and Ride Procedures

  • Arrival Hours: 8:20-8:35
  • Dismissal-  Parents can begin entering the Kiss and Ride loop at 3:10 and students will be released at 3:20. 
  • Kiss and Ride moves in a clockwise pattern on the streets around Ravensworth ES.
  • Please approach Gosport Lane from Queensberry Avenue or Moultrie Road
  • Proceed on Nutting Drive, passing the bus lane/entrance, and drive to the Kiss & Ride entrance towards the end of the school
  • Drive through Kiss & Ride, and exit  only to the right  onto Nutting Drive.
  • Once in the Kiss and Ride lane, please prominently display the placard with your child’s/children’s number. 
  • Placards will be provided to parents during the first week of in-person learning based on responses to the Kiss and Ride survey sent out through the Ravens’ Nest. 
  • Please do not exit your vehicle while in Kiss and Ride.
  • Please do not pass other cars in Kiss and Ride unless directed by a staff member.
  • If your child is not ready or has not arrived at Kiss and Ride. you may be asked to pull up to the front of the queue or go around
  • We hope to quicken your drop-off & pickup times and decrease the inconveniences to our neighbors on Nutting Drive.

Under  no circumstance is a U-Turn permitted in the middle of the street on Nutting Drive in front of Ravensworth ES for the safety of all of our students.

Also, please use the crosswalks instead of walking in the middle of Nutting Drive. There are crosswalks at the corners of Nutting Drive/Gosport Lane and Nutting Drive/Ellet Road for you to safely use and show your children how to use.