Academic Honesty Policy


Robinson Secondary School Academic Honesty Policy ib-logo

First offense: If a student cheats on a major assessment, they may retake the assessment within 5 school days with the following penalty:

  • Maximum grade of 70% of the grade on retake

  • After-School Academic Honesty Detention*
  • Student will be placed on a one year long probation for all honor societies 

* Academic Honesty Detention entails a 1.5-hour detention in which the student would be required to complete academic dishonesty curriculum/assignment(s)

Second offense:  If a student cheats on a major assessment, they may retake the assessment within 5 school days with the following penalty:

  • 60% of the grade earned on the retest

  • Saturday school detention

  • Student will be dismissed from all Honor societies. If a student is not yet a member of an honor society, they may not apply to be a member for the next school year

Third offense and subsequent offenses:  If a student cheats on a major assessment, they may retake the assessment within 5 school days with the following penalty:

  • No retake possible

  • Up to two days of ISS

  • Student will be prohibited from applying to SGA or any other school leadership role for the next academic year 

Honor societies

  • Students can apply with only one offense, but only for probationary status

  • Probationary period lasts for the remainder of the school year

  • If a student is late to a required meeting, does not complete service hour requirements, or suffers another malpractice infraction, that student is then dismissed from the honor society

Minor assessment incidences of malpractice

  • Minor assessments include formative or informal assessments, classwork or homework

  • Malpractice within minor assessments  will be handled within the classroom by the classroom teacher

  • Class grade consequence will be a 50% for that assignment

  • Teachers will inform parents of malpractice via email and cc grade level administrator

  • If a student accumulates 3 separate instances of minor assessment malpractice, he/she will then be moved to the first major offense consequence status.