Sandburg Houses

Core Interdisciplinary House Model

  • All students in the same house will share common teachers in the following subject areas.
  • This approach creates a smaller community for our students and supports their academic and social development in middle school. 
    • Science 
    • Mathematics (except Algebra I for 7th graders, Math 7 Honors, and 8th grade Algebra I and Geometry Honors)
    • English Language Arts
    • Social Studies
  • Students are assigned randomly to houses.
  • Each house has special education, English Learner, Honors and Advanced Academics courses in each subject area. 
  • There are some classes where students from different houses will come together in the academic core. 
    • Special Education Self Contained, English Learner Language Courses, Reading Support, Mathematics Support, Health and Physical Education
  • All elective courses have students across all houses at each grade level. 
    • World Language, CTE, Fine and Performing Arts, AVID, Publication

House Identities

  • Unify the student experiences
  • Provide a theme for school spirit and engagement

  • Provides organization for school functions

  • Provides additional structure to the middle school experience

  • Is celebrated throughout our work with our students

  • Classroom decoration / hallway decoration 

  • Thematic organization