5 Reasons to Visit a GI Specialist

There are various reasons that patients, of all ages, are referred to a gastroenterologist (or GI specialist) for further examination. From frequent heartburn to irregular bowel movements, the cause can be varied from patient to patient. Some visits are aimed at prevention, like colon cancer screenings for those 50 and older. A visit to a GI specialist can feel out of the ordinary for you, but it is the most effective way to diagnose and treat gastrointestinal issues you are dealing with to get you the relief you seek. 

Gastroenterologists diagnose and treat conditions such as:

  • Cancers that affect the GI tract (gastrointestinal, colorectal, liver, pancreatic)

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

  • Pancreatitis

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Disease of the gallbladder

  • Ulcers

  • Celiac Disease

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Polyps in the GI tract

 Here are the top 5 reasons to visit a GI Specialist. 

1. Frequent Heartburn

Heartburn, or acid reflux , occurs when acid from the stomach backs up in the GI tract and esophagus, causing a burning feeling in your chest and throat. Symptoms may include a bitter taste in your mouth, chest pain after eating or while laying down, especially at night. Random and infrequent bouts of heartburn are normally no cause for serious concern. Nearly everyone will experience heartburn at one point in their lifetime and can typically manage it with a change in diet or over the counter medications like antacids. Frequent heartburn, occurring two times per week or more, should be looked into more by a GI specialist. Frequent heartburn could indicate GERD. Testing is required to confirm the diagnosis and a treatment regimen of prescription drugs may be provided to alleviate and manage symptoms. In rare cases, frequent heartburn could be a sign of esophageal cancer.

2. Rectal Bleeding

Blood found in your stool can often indicate an issue somewhere in your GI tract. The reason for rectal bleeding can vary in seriousness, but almost always indicates a GI issue. Some of the most common causes of rectal bleeding include an anal fissure, hemorrhoids, IBS, Crohn’s disease, polyps in the colon and ulcerative colitis. In some cases, rectal bleeding can be a sign of rectal cancer.

3. Frequent Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain and bloating can occur after eating a meal that doesn’t agree with your stomach or indulging in too much food at one sitting, along with various other causes. Random and infrequent pain or bloating is not something to worry about, but if it occurs after most meals or on a relatively daily basis it may be time to get it looked into further with a GI specialist. Discuss your symptoms with your primary care physician first who will refer you to a gastroenterologist based on your unique situation 

4. Difficulty Swallowing

Pain or difficulty swallowing can be cause for concern if it frequently occurs when you eat or drink. Certain conditions, like GERD or esophageal tumors, can lead to difficulty swallowing or the inability to swallow. When meeting with a GI specialist, they may perform an endoscopy to get a full view of your GI tract to determine the cause of your swallowing issue. From there, a diagnostic treatment plan will be set into place to alleviate symptoms and pain. 

5. Abnormal Bowel Movements

The standard range of normal bowel movements is anywhere between three bowel movements a day to three a week. Anything less than three bowel movements a week is considered constipation, which is an abnormal bowel movement. Three or more loose bowel movements a day is considered diarrhea which is also considered an abnormality in the bowel movement realm. Irregular bowel movements can be an indirect indication of a GI issue such as a GI tract blockage or obstruction, lactose or gluten intolerance , IBS or Crohn’s disease, or may also indicate, a reaction to food or medication or a diet change needed.

We understand that seeing a specialist for a chronic condition or issue that may arise can feel foreign for you, but we can assure you that it best serves your overall health. GI specialists are highly skilled in caring for any and all of your GI issues. To learn more or schedule an appointment today, reach out to us today.