Staying on Top of Your Gut Health During the Holidays

The holiday season is the most wonderful time of year. Filled with family time, gifting, and good food, there is no better way to enjoy all that the season has to offer. Although many celebrations and events are centered around indulging in the most decadent foods, it can feel hard to navigate for those with gut health issues. 

Whether you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, or are just hoping to maintain a regulated and healthy gut, facing holiday food menus can seem like such a drag to the spirit of the holiday season. But, the good news is that there are plenty of ways to enjoy all the facets of the holiday season without taking steps back in the health of your gut. 

Don’t feel the need to deprive yourself during the holidays; instead, plan ahead to keep your gut in tip-top shape. Here are some tried-and-true ways to maintain a healthy gut during the holidays.

1. Start the day with kefir or Greek yogurt.

Kefir and greek yogurt are packed with nutrients and healthy bacteria that help balance your gut. Consuming first thing in the morning, ahead of a food-focused day will line your gut with the good bacteria it needs to help you digest food more efficiently. Both options help with digestion and have been shown to reduce stomach bloating. Add to your favorite fruit smoothie or eat plain- both will help you enjoy the day ahead without too much worry about your gut. 

2. Keep an eye on your water intake.

Approximately 60% of our bodies are made of water making daily water intake an essential part of a balanced diet- gut health issues or not. Drinking water has a plethora of benefits including flushing out bodily waste more easily, cushioning the joints, and maintaining blood pressure. When it comes to a healthy gut, taking in enough water is crucial to proper digestive processes. Transporting nutrients, vitamins and minerals throughout the body, water acts as a means to keep the entire body fully balanced. Dehydration can lead to major stomach problems that come from an overly acidic stomach including ulcers, heartburn and constipation. Aim to consume, at least, half your body weight in ounces of water each day. The ideal amount of water for most adults is a gallon. 

3. Remember past food reactions.

Take some time to think back to previous holiday celebrations and recognize what food caused bad gut reactions. Avoid those this season and choose options that are both nutrient-dense and delicious. 

4. Stay moving after dinner.

One way to keep your digestive system processing effectively is to exercise regularly. The simple act of walking helps move food, nutrients, and acids through your intestines faster, decreasing the chances of heartburn or acid reflux , and bloating. Take a post-meal walk with the family to enjoy the cooler temperatures and neighborhood around you. 

5. Eat smaller portions 

Be mindful of your portion sizes as you add different dishes to your plate. Eating smaller portions more frequently is better for your digestive system than consuming large meals three times a day. Pay attention to your body’s signals and stop eating once you begin to feel full. Smaller portions reduce stomach pain and bloating. Also, do your best to chew your food thoroughly, especially if you’re consuming foods that you don’t usually have in your diet. This simple change will help your digestive system process the foods easier. 

6. Focus on resistant starch foods.

Resistant starch is a prebiotic-rich fiber that can be found in various foods on the holiday table this year. Once consumed, they work by feeding the good bacteria in your gut in an effort to maintain a healthy and balanced gut. The most common foods that contain resistant starch are cooked grains, roasted potatoes, and cooked vegetables. 

7. Choose dessert or drinks.

Options are key when it comes to enjoying all the food and drink of the season. Although it may feel like an excellent choice to indulge in both decadent desserts and specialty beverages, when consumed together, they can wreak havoc on your gut. On the other hand, when just choosing one, you’re helping your body consume less sugar and keeping your acidic balance in check. 

8. Consume enough fiber every day. 

Fiber is one of the best ways to maintain a balanced gut. Unfortunately, most of the holiday table staples lack adequate fiber. When consumption levels are high but fiber levels are low, your gut becomes imbalanced, leading to inflammation, discomfort , and significant gastrointestinal issues. Along with enjoying your favorite dishes this holiday season, be sure to include fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, beans, broccoli, potatoes, nuts, and avocado.

The most important part of the holiday season is to enjoy it with the people you love. From the celebrations and gifting to gathering around the table for a delicious meal, the holidays are the perfect time to reminisce on the year you’ve just had while excitedly planning for the future ahead. Although indulgence is almost always on the menu, make sure to choose gut-healthy food options that keep you and your body feeling good throughout the festivities.