Food Swaps for Better Digestion Part II

Food Swaps for Better Digestion Part II

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is essential for our overall health and well-being. Consuming foods that are difficult to digest can lead to various gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. Fortunately, there are plenty of healthier options you can choose which are easy to find and will improve your digestion.

Lifestyle Changes for Gut Health in 2023

Lifestyle Changes for Gut Health in 2023

As we start to settle into our habits for 2023, take a look back on your New Year’s resolutions. If you are already disappointed in your progress, maybe it is time to adjust your goals! Resolutions can be harsh and rooted in self-criticism. Instead of thinking about goals that you would like to accomplish in a limited amount of time, try to focus on lifestyle changes that will support you through 2023 and for many years to come! Your gut health is of the utmost importance, as it relates to many other aspects of your overall health. Here are some reasonable lifestyle changes you can adopt that will improve your digestion, and ultimately, your physical wellbeing! 

The Tie Between High Fiber Foods and Optimal Gut Health

The Tie Between High Fiber Foods and Optimal Gut Health

When it comes to optimal gut health, what you eat matters.

From the vitamins and minerals you take in through the food you eat to the amount of water you consume daily, they all play a role in how well your gut microbe is balanced. This has a direct effect on gastrointestinal and digestive health.

5 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut & Ways to Improve It

5 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut & Ways to Improve It

The gut is one of the most complex parts of the human body. Over the last couple of decades, it has become an increasingly important part of the conversation around its impact on overall health and the effect it can have on numerous parts of the body outside of the digestive system. In fact, many studies have linked gut health to integral roles in human mood, emotions, mental health, immune system function, skin conditions, and even cancer.

The Best Boston Area Parks to Exercise in Outdoors

The Best Boston Area Parks to Exercise in Outdoors

Warmer weather, longer days and sunshine are upon us. Now is the perfect time of year to get outside whenever you have the chance. Whether you decide to take a lunch break walk around the block or eat your lunch on the lawn of your office building, sunshine has a way of brightening everyone’s day- literally and figuratively .

From walking to running and biking to yoga, there are various ways to get up and move this summer. Take your exercise to the next level and bring it outside for some fresh air and warm weather vibes right here in the Boston area.

5 Exercises that Aid in Optimal Digestive Health

5 Exercises that Aid in Optimal Digestive Health

Whether you’re living with a chronic digestive problem or looking to push yourself farther when it comes to maintaining an optimal level of digestive health and functioning, it takes more than just food consumption to get you there. Through active and consistent exercise you can improve your digestive system, aid in overall digestive function, eliminate toxins from your gut and maintain a healthy overall body weight. All of these factors will get you on the road to maintaining a strong sense of optimal digestive health. Exercise, no matter what level you consider yourself to be, is a great way to keep your body healthy, strong, and cared for.

Our Top 5 Health-Conscious Eateries and Stores in the Newton Area

Our Top 5 Health-Conscious Eateries and Stores in the Newton Area

When it comes to maintaining a healthy gut, no matter what GI issue you may be faced with, healthy eating is a must. Each GI diagnosis comes with various eating-specific guidelines to reduce symptoms and aid in a balanced microbe in your gastrointestinal tract. Lucky for us, the Newton area is filled with health-conscious eating options that allow us to stick to a strict eating regime while also enjoying farm-to-table style options and a variety of food to choose from. Here are our top 5 favorite health-conscious options in the area:

Maintaining a Healthy Gut in Quarantine

Maintaining a Healthy Gut in Quarantine

f you have changed your schedule due to the pandemic and find yourself working from home or spending most of your time in the house, the basic principles of your health can sometimes be left by the wayside due to an increase of stress and anxiety along with a change in routine. Remember that your gut health is of the utmost importance as it controls how healthy the other parts of your body will function. We wanted to take it back to basics when it comes to getting a handle on your gut health.

How to Naturally Give Your Bloat the Boot

How to Naturally Give Your Bloat the Boot

Bloating is a major issue in both men and women, so it’s no wonder there are a multitude of products being marketed as “cleanse,” “detox,” and “water reduction” solutions. According to doctors, unless there is liver and heart disease at play, fluid accumulation around the belly should not be a normal symptom for a healthy adult.

New Year’s Guide to a Healthier Life

New Year’s Guide to a Healthier Life

New year's resolutions have a reputation of falling by the wayside. People tend to start out strong and then taper off their efforts as the months roll on. Instead of making lofty goals, start by making small, attainable changes for your health. If GI health is of importance to you, work on making these small improvements to bring about big changes.  

Food Swaps for Better Digestion

Food Swaps for Better Digestion

Even the most delicious of foods can wreak havoc on our digestive systems. Once you identify which foods cause the most disruption to your digestion, you can try swapping out the culprit for an alternative that’s just as good, if not better! Here are 5 favorite foods (and drinks!) and a more digestive-friendly alternative:

4 Back-To-School Nutrition Tips for College Students

4 Back-To-School Nutrition Tips for College Students

Maintaining a healthy diet will do more than just fuel your body, it will fuel your mind too. Having a balanced digestive system has been linked to mental performance and the gut is being referred to with increasing frequency as “the second brain.” Give yourself an edge on that next exam with 4 easy strategies to eat healthy as you head back to campus this fall: