Solomon in prayer (1549/1557) by Corrado de Mochis Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano

“Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven and said…

“ … O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth below! You keep Your covenant of loving devotion with Your servants who walk before You with all their hearts.”(I Kings, 8:22)

The subject of the painting is recognizable as the prayer of King Solomon (I Kings, 8:22). The painting comes from window V21, which is dedicated to the Old Testament, but it remains unknown what transitions it has undergone in the cathedral storerooms.

Stories from the Old Testament (1835/1838) by Bertini workshop Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano

Solomon in prayer (1549/1557) by Corrado de Mochis Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano

Enlarged on the right and left with insets made of green glass, the picture has a number of incongruous pieces. There are numerous parts that have been repainted; this is particularly evident in the embroidery of the curtains and in the general recovery of the grisaille .

The panel dates back to the first half of the 16th century and is attributed to the German master Corrado de Mochis who also worked on the window with stories from the New Testament.

Stained-glass windows room Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano

Today the work is on display at the Milan Duomo Museum.

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