Quickstart for Cloud Volumes Service

Last reviewed 2024-04-25 UTC

This page provides details for purchasing, enabling, and configuring NetApp Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud from the Google Cloud Marketplace. You can follow along with the written instructions or the video. Both demonstrate the same process.

If you encounter any problems, follow the instructions for obtaining support or email the NetApp team for Google Cloud at GCInfo@NetApp.com .

Purchase the service

  1. Ensure that you have the Billing Account Administrator role in Google Cloud.

  2. On the NetApp Cloud Volumes Servicepage in the Google Cloud Marketplace, click Purchase.

    Project charges are incurred when you start creating volumes and allocating capacity to those volumes.

  3. Review and fill out required fields in the order summary.

    The Planand Subscription periodfields are pre-filled. The Usage feefield shows the service tiers and the allocated prices per GB.

  4. Select a billing account and agree to the terms and conditions.

  5. Select the second box under Additional termsthat begins with I authorize Google LLC and its affiliates... , which allows NetApp and Google to provide support for issues that you submit through the service.

  6. Click Subscribe.

Enable the service

  1. Click Go to Marketplaceto return to the Cloud Volumes Servicepage.
  2. Click Enableto enable the API and open the Cloud Volumespage in the Google Cloud console.

Configure private services access

In this section, you configure the private services access connections between your environment, your project, and the NetApp Cloud Volumes project.

Configuring private services access peers your VPC network to a service producer project that hosts the volumes. The configuration occurs during the initial creation of the storage pool and volumes.

To configure private services access, you need a network administrator role so that you can run the Google Cloud commands.

Choose from the following two sections depending on the service type of the volume that you're creating.

Create a volume of the CVS service type

  1. On the Cloud Volumespage in the Google Cloud console, select Storage pools, and then select Create.

    The Create storage poolsdialog opens, in which you enter and select values in the next several steps.

    The service type is automatically set to CVS.

  2. Select the service level.

    For details on selecting the service level, see pricing and Selecting the appropriate service level and allocated capacity for NetApp Cloud Volumes Service .

  3. Select the region.

  4. In Availability, select the zone hosting the storage pool.

    For storage pools with the service type Zone Redundant Standard-SW, select Zone redundancy.

  5. In Pool details, enter a pool name and a pool capacity.

  6. If you are running a shared VPC network, select Shared VPC configurationunder Network details.

  7. Select the name of the VPC you want to connect.

    If you have not set up network peering, a dialog appears, telling you that you must set up network peering.

    Network peering not set up

    In these steps, you copy three commands and run them in Cloud Shell to reserve the address range, set up peering, and enable custom route propagation. You only need to perform these steps once for each VPC network, when you first set up network peering.

    The commands require appropriate permission in the host project.

    1. In the dialog, click View commands how to set up network peering.

      To customize your address range, click Use custom address range.

    2. Copy the first command, for the user-input address range.

    3. Open Cloud Shell by clicking the Activate Cloud Shellbutton in the navigation bar in the upper-right corner of the Google Cloud console.

    4. Paste the first command for the user-input address range into Cloud Shell, and run the command.

      This command reserves the address range.

    5. Click View commandsagain.

    6. Copy the second command, for VPC network peering.

    7. Paste the command into Cloud Shell, and run the command. Type Y when prompted.

      VPC network peering takes a few minutes to set up.

    8. Click View commandsagain.

    9. Copy the third command, to propagate routes.

    10. Paste the command into Cloud Shell, and run the command.

  8. Click Save.

    It takes 10-15 minutes to create your first pool.

  9. To create your first volume, go to the Cloud Volumespage, select Volumes, and then select Create.

    For this quickstart, create your first volume with protocol type NFSv3. If you only want to use SMB volumes in production, you can delete the NFSv3 volume after completing this quickstart.

Create a volume of the CVS-Performance service type

  1. On the Cloud Volumespage in the Google Cloud console, select Volumesand then Create.

    The Create file systemdialog opens, where you enter and select values in the next several steps.

  2. Select the service type.

  3. Select the region.

  4. Select the service level.

    For details on selecting the service level, see pricing and Selecting the appropriate service level and allocated capacity for NetApp Cloud Volumes Service .

  5. In Volume details, enter a volume name.

  6. Enter the allocated capacity.

  7. Select the protocol type.

    For this quickstart, create your first volume with protocol type NFSv3. If you only want to use SMB volumes in production, you can delete the NFSv3 volume after completing this quickstart.

  8. If you are running a shared VPC network, select Shared VPC configurationunder Network details.

  9. Select the name of the VPC you want to connect.

    If you have not set up network peering, a dialog appears, telling you that you must set up network peering.

    Network peering not set up

    In these steps, you copy three commands and run them in Cloud Shell to reserve the address range, set up peering, and enable custom route propagation. You only need to perform these steps once for each VPC network, when you first set up network peering.

    The commands require appropriate permission in the host project.

    1. In the dialog, click View commands how to set up network peering.

      To customize your address range, click Use custom address range.

    2. Copy the first command, for the user-input address range.

    3. Open Cloud Shell by clicking the Activate Cloud Shellbutton in the navigation bar in the upper-right corner of the Google Cloud console.

    4. Paste the first command for the user-input address range into Cloud Shell, and run the command.

      This command reserves the address range.

    5. Click View commandsagain.

    6. Copy the second command, for VPC network peering.

    7. Paste the command into Cloud Shell, and run the command. Type Y when prompted.

      VPC network peering takes a few minutes to set up.

    8. Click View commandsagain.

    9. Copy the third command, to propagate routes.

    10. Paste the command into Cloud Shell, and run the command.

  10. Click Save.

    The creation of your first volume takes a few minutes. The creation of each subsequent volume takes around 10 seconds.