Policy YAML reference

This page contains reference information for Binary Authorization policies as specified in YAML format. When you configure a policy using the command-line interface , you edit a YAML-formatted file that complies with this specification. For examples of policies in YAML format, see Example Policies .

Policy YAML files have the following format:

 name: projects/<PROJECT_ID>/policy
- namePattern: <MATCHING_PATTERN>
- ...
globalPolicyEvaluationMode: <GLOBAL_EVAL_MODE>


The YAML format has the following top-level nodes:

Node Description Required
Name of the policy. Yes
Specifies container images that are always allowed to be deployed. No
Specifies whether to apply a system policy that exempts Google-owned system images. No
The rule to use when no specific rule applies. Yes
Specifies rules that apply to specific clusters. No


The name node contains the name of the policy in the following format:

name: projects/ PROJECT_ID 

where PROJECT_ID is the name of your Google Cloud project where your policy is defined.

For example:

 name: projects/example-project/policy 


admissionWhitelistPatterns specifies an allowlist of container images that are exempt from policy enforcement . You specify the path to the images in Container Registry and Artifact Registry, another registry, or a local reference in the namePattern subnode:

  - namePattern: MATCHING_PATTERN 
- ...

Replace MATCHING_PATTERN with either a path to a single image or a matching pattern containing one of the wildcard symbols ( * , ** ).

Note that wildcards are valid only at the end of the pattern. For example, gcr.io/my-project/nginx* is a valid pattern, but gcr.io/my-project/n*x isn't. The * wildcard only matches images in the specified directory. For example, gcr.io/my-project/nginx* matches gcr.io/my-project/nginx:latest , but not gcr.io/my-project/nginx-images/nginx . The ** wildcard matches images in subdirectories. For example, the path gcr.io/my-project/nginx** matches gcr.io/my-project/nginx-1.14.2/image:latest .

The following example adds registries containing commonly used Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) images, an image located at gcr.io/example-project/helloworld , and a local reference to an image, to the list of exempt images for the policy:

  - namePattern: gcr.io/google-containers/*
  - namePattern: k8s.gcr.io/**
  - namePattern: gke.gcr.io/**
  - namePattern: gcr.io/gke-release/asm/*
  - namePattern: gcr.io/stackdriver-agents/*
  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/helloworld
  - namePattern: loc-ref

Allowlist patterns

To allowlist all container images whose registry location matches the specified path:

  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/*

To allowlist a specific image:

  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/helloworld

To allowlist a currently-tagged version:

  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/helloworld:latest
  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/helloworld:my-tag
  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/helloworld:v1.*

To allowlist a specific version of an image by its digest:

  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/helloworld@sha256:77b0b75136b9bd0fd36fb50f4c92ae0dbdbbe164ab67885e736fa4374e0cbb8c

To allowlist images in subdirectories of a given path:

  - namePattern: gcr.io/example-project/**


System policy evaluation mode is a policy setting that causes Binary Authorization to evaluate a system policy before evaluating the policy that you configure. The system policy is provided by Google and exempts a list of Google-maintained system images from further policy evaluation. When you have this setting enabled, images that are required by GKE are not blocked by policy enforcement. The system policy is evaluated prior to and in addition to user policy evaluation, including admissionWhitelistPatterns .

To allow all Google-maintained system images, set the globalPolicyEvaluationMode property to ENABLE :

globalPolicyEvaluationMode: ENABLE

To disable system policy evaluation mode:

globalPolicyEvaluationMode: DISABLE


defaultAdmissionRule specifies the default rule for the policy. The default rule defines the constraints that apply to all non-exempt container images with the exception of those that have their own cluster-specific rule. You specify the default rule using the ADMISSION_RULE collection:

defaultAdmissionRule: ADMISSION_RULE 

The following example shows a default rule that allows only those container images to be deployed which have been authorized by the specified attestor . In the case that all required attestors have not authorized the image, Binary Authorization blocks the deployment and writes to the audit log.

  - projects/example-project/attestors/secure-build


clusterAdmissionRules declare cluster-specific rules for the policy. The constraints in these rules apply only to the specified cluster. If Binary Authorization applies a cluster-specific rule to a deployment, the default rule is not considered. As with default rules, you specify cluster-specific rules using the ADMISSION_RULE collection:

clusterAdmissionRules: CLUSTER_SPECIFIER 

where CLUSTER_SPECIFIER is the resource ID of the cluster to which the rule applies in the format location.name (for example, us-east1-a.prod-cluster ).

The following examples shows a cluster-specific rule that only allows those container images to be deployed which have been authorized by the specified attestors:

    evaluationMode: REQUIRE_ATTESTATION
    - projects/example-project/attestors/secure-build
    - projects/example-project/attestors/prod-qualified

Node collections


ADMISSION_RULE is a collection of nodes that specify the constraints for the rule in the following format:

evaluationMode: EVAL_MODE 
enforcementMode: ENFORCEMENT_MODE 
- ...

Both defaultAdmissionRule and clusterAdmissionRule reference this collection.


evaluationMode specifies the operation that Binary Authorization performs in order to evaluate whether to deploy a container image. The possible values are:

  • ALWAYS_ALLOW : Always allow deployment of images evaluated by this rule
  • ALWAYS_DENY : Always deny deployment of images evaluated by this rule
  • REQUIRE_ATTESTATION : Require one or more attestors to authorize the release before deployment

If the evaluationMode is REQUIRE_ATTESTATION , you must provide a reference to the required attestors in requireAttestationsBy .


enforcementMode specifies the action that Binary Authorization takes if a container image does not conform to the constraints defined in the rule. The possible values are:

  • ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG : Blocks deployment and writes to the audit log.
  • DRYRUN_AUDIT_LOG_ONLY : Allows deployment of non-conformant images and writes details about the violation to the audit log.

Most production rules use the ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG enforcement mode. DRYRUN_AUDIT_LOG_ONLY is primarily used for testing a policy in your environment before it goes into effect.


requireAttestationsBy specifies one or more attestors who must authorize the release before a container image can be deployed. This is required for REQUIRE_ATTESTATION rules only. The format for this node is:

  - projects/ PROJECT_ID 
/attestors/ ATTESTOR_NAME 
- ...

where PROJECT_ID is the name of the project where your attestors are defined and ATTESTOR_NAME is the name of an attestor who is required to sign the release.

The following example shows how to specify attestors:

- projects/example-project/attestors/secure-build
- projects/example-project/attestors/prod-qualified