Getting support

Get a Google support package

Google Cloud offers different support packages to meet different needs, such as 24/7 coverage, phone support, and access to a technical support manager. For more information, see Google Cloud Support .

Get support from the community

Use the following resources to get support from the Compute Engine community. Review our FAQ before posting a new question.

Ask a question on Stack Overflow

  • Ask questions about application programming and development on Compute Engine on Stack Overflow . For example, if you are using a Windows VM instance, the google-compute-engine+windows query returns questions tagged with both Google Compute Engineand Windows.
  • Ask questions about troubleshooting Compute Engine resources on Server Fault .

Discuss Compute Engine

Join the gce-discussion Google group to discuss Compute Engine with Google engineers and other users. Join the gce-announce Google group to get Compute Engine announcements, and the gce-operations Google group to get updates on Compute Engine operations.

You can also visit the Google Cloud Slack community to discuss Compute Engine and other Google Cloud products. If you haven't already joined, use this form to sign up . For Compute Engine, join the #compute-engine channel.

File bugs or feature requests

Where to file a report

Type of request Where to file a report
Billing issues Billing support
Bugs, defects, and feature requests Issues tracker
Documentation feedback (incorrect documentation, general feedback, suggestions) Documentation feedback form
Production issues (including performance issues) Issues tracker
Paid support If you are a paid support customer, contact Google directly .
SLA violation Billing support
Report abuse Abuse form

Bugs and defects

Example: My instance is unable to attach additional disks

If your issue is not answered by the FAQ or remains unresolved, post your question to the Issues tracker with the following information:

  • What steps will reproduce the problem?
  • What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
  • What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
  • Please provide any additional information.

File a feature request

Example: Compute Engine should add feature X

Your feature request might already have been filed on the Issues tracker . If so, upvote the feature to indicate that you would like to see it added.

If not, gather the following information and post the feature request to the Issues tracker :

  • What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
  • If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
  • If relevant, what new use cases will this feature enable?

Documentation feedback

Example: Documentation for X is out of date

If you run into issues while using the documentation, have general feedback, or want to make a suggestion, use the documentation feedback mechanism. From any page in the Compute Engine documentation, click the "Send feedback" link near the top right of the page. This will open a feedback form. Provide the following information (if applicable):

  • What URL are you reporting?
  • What was inaccurate?
  • General comments or suggestions

Your comments will be reviewed by the Compute Engine team.

Production issues

Example: My instance is running very slow

If you have a paid support contract, contact Google directly .

If you experienced an SLA violation, contact Billing support .

You can also report virtual machine abuse .

You can file a production issue report for your application. Google reads these reports but cannot reply individually. Operational support for individual applications is not provided via the issue tracker.