Hierarchical firewall policy examples

This page shows examples of hierarchical firewall policy implementations. It assumes that you are familiar with the concepts described in Hierarchical firewall policies .

Example 1: Allow prober to access all VMs

In this use case, all the virtual machine (VM) instances in an organization must be scanned and inventoried by using probes from a particular IP address ( ) to a specific destination port ( 123 ). The organization security administrator ensures that no network administrator or other security administrator can block that port on any VM instance in the organization.

This example assumes that there are no folder-level firewall policies deployed.

The configuration setup for this use case is described in the following diagram.

Allow prober to access all VMs
Allow prober to access all VMs

Effective policy applied in VMs

In this example, the effective VM firewall policy after evaluation of the rules across the hierarchy is as follows.

Ingress connections

  • Ingress connections with source IP and destination port 123 are allowed, as defined in the policy. Upon a match in the organization policy, the probe connections are allowed and no further rules are evaluated in the hierarchy.

  • For any ingress connections other than from source IP and destination port 123 , there is no match; therefore, the default ingress rule in VPC firewall rules applies, denying the connection.

Egress connection

  • There is no match across the hierarchy-defined rules. Therefore, the default egress rule in VPC firewall rules applies, allowing egress connections.

How to configure

  1. Create a firewall policy to contain the rule:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies create \
         --organization=123456789012 \
         --short-name="example-firewall-policy" \
         --description="rules that apply to all VMs in the organization"
  2. Add the rule to the firewall policy:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 1000 \
        --action=allow \
        --description="allow-scan-probe" \
        --layer4-configs=tcp:123 \
        --firewall-policy=example-firewall-policy \
        --organization=123456789012 \
  3. Associate the firewall policy with the organization:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies associations create \
        --firewall-policy=example-firewall-policy \

Example 2: Deny all external connections except to certain ports

In this use case, a firewall policy blocks all connections from external internet sources except for connections on destination ports 80 , 443 , and 22 . An ingress internet connection on any port that is not 80 , 443 , and 22 is blocked no matter what the firewall rules are at the VPC network level. For any connections on port 80 , 443 , or 22 , the policy delegates to the VPC security administrator the behavior they want to enforce in their respective VPC network for those ports.

The configuration setup for this use case is described in the following diagram.

Deny all external connections except certain destination ports
Deny all external connections except certain destination ports

Effective policy applied in VMs

In this example, the effective VM firewall policy after evaluation of the rules across the hierarchy is as follows.

Ingress connections

  • Any ingress connections from match the highest priority organization-level rule delegate-internal-traffic and bypass the rest of the rules in the organization policy to be evaluated against the firewall rules configured at the VPC network level. In the VPC firewall rule, connections from are allowed, and the rest of the connections are evaluated against the implied ingress rule, which is deny .

  • Ingress connections with a source IP range that is not for destination ports 22 , 80 , and 443 are delegated to the next level, where ports 80 and 443 are allowed, but 22 is not.

  • All other connections are blocked.

Egress connections

  • There is no match across the hierarchy-defined rules. Therefore, the default egress rule in VPC firewall rules applies, allowing egress connections.

How to configure

  1. Create a firewall policy to contain the rule:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies create \
        --organization=123456789012 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy" \
        --description="rules that apply to all VMs in the organization"
  2. Add a rule to delegate internal connections to the project owner:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 1000 \
        --action=goto_next \
        --description="delegate-internal-traffic" \
        --organization=123456789012 \
        --firewall-policy="example-firewall-policy" \
  3. Add a rule to delegate external connections rules to ports 80 / 443 / 22 to the project owner:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 2000 \
        --action=goto_next \
        --description="delegate-external-traffic-spec-ports" \
        --layer4-configs=tcp:80,tcp:443,tcp:22 \
        --organization=123456789012 \
  4. Add a rule to deny all other external connections:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 3000 \
        --action=deny \
        --description="block-other-external-traffic-spec-ports" \
        --organization=123456789012 \
        --firewall-policy="example-firewall-policy" \
  5. Associate the firewall policy with the organization:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies associations create \
        --organization=123456789012 \
  6. In the project, add a firewall rule to allow internal connections from the designated subnet:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-internal-traffic \
        --action=allow \
        --priority=1000 \
  7. In the project, add a firewall rule to allow external TCP 80 / 443 connections:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-external-traffic \
        --action=allow \
        --priority=2000 \

Example 3: Deny egress connections except from a specific VPC network

In this use case, the organization security administrator doesn't allow egress connections in any VPC network, except for connections originating in the VPC network myvpc . The administrator delegates the decision to open egress to public server to the myvpc security administrator.

This example assumes that there are no folder-level firewall policies deployed. The configuration setup for this use case is described in the following diagram.

Deny egress connections except from a specific network
Deny egress connections except from a specific network

Effective policy applied in VMs

In this example, the effective VM firewall policy after evaluation of the rules across the hierarchy is as follows.

Ingress connections

  • There is no match across the hierarchy-defined rules. Therefore, the default ingress rule in VPC firewall rules applies, denying ingress connections.

Egress connections

  • All the egress connections destined to are allowed; the rest of the connections are denied. All the egress connections destined to match the delegate-egress-my-vpc rule and bypass the rest of the rules in the organization policy.

  • The egress connections are then evaluated against the firewall rules configured in myvpc . The default rule allows the egress connections. The block-egress-traffic-sepc-ports rule in the organization-level policy denies the rest of the connections.

How to configure

  1. Create a firewall policy to contain the rule:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies create \
        --organization=123456789012 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy" \
        --description="rules that apply to all VMs in the organization"
  2. Add a rule to delegate certain egress connections:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 1000 \
        --action=goto_next \
        --description="delegate-egress-myvpc" \
        --organization=123456789012 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy" \
        --target-resources=projects/ PROJECT_ID 
  3. Add a rule to deny all other egress connections:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 2000 \
        --action=deny \
        --description="block-egress-external-traffic-spec-ports" \
        --direction=egress \
        --dest-ip-ranges= \
        --organization=123456789012 \
  4. Associate the firewall policy with the organization:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies associations create \
        --organization=123456789012 \

Example 4: Configure organization-wide and folder-specific rules

In this use case, a security administrator doesn't allow ingress connections to any VMs in the organization except those from the range that is added to an allowlist: . The administrator delegates further decisions about what to do with connections from to security administrators at the folder levels.

There are two different folders:

  • Folder1, in which the policy allows connections to only ports 80 and 443 on the backend VMs, and the rest of the ports are blocked.
  • Folder2, in which the policy enforces that no VM in Folder2 can block any destination port for traffic from IP address . The Folder2 security administrator delegates other decisions to the VPC security administrator, who decides to open ports 80 , 443 , and 22 and deny the rest of the ports.

The configuration setup for this use case is described in the following diagram.

Organization-wide and folder-specific rules
Organization-wide and folder-specific rules

Effective policy applied in VMs

In this example, the effective VM firewall policy after evaluation of the rules across the hierarchy is as follows.

For VMs belonging to my-vpc

  • All ingress connections from with destination ports TCP 80 and 443 are allowed. Any other ingress connections are denied.

  • All egress connections are accepted as per the VPC firewall rule applied due to there being no match in higher-level firewall policy rules.

For VMs belonging to vpc2

  • All ingress connections from are allowed. Ingress connections from other sources other than are allowed only to ports 80 , 443 , and 22 . All other ingress connections are denied.

  • All egress connections are accepted as per the VPC firewall rule applied due to there being no match in higher-level firewall policy rules.

How to configure

  1. Create a firewall policy to contain the rules for Org_A:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies create \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-org-a" \
        --description="rules that apply to all VMs in the organization"
  2. Add a rule to delegate ingress from to the project owner:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 1000 \
        --action=goto_next \
        --description="delegate-ingress" \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-org-a" \
  3. Add a rule to deny all other external connections:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 2000 \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-org-a" \
  4. Associate the firewall policy with the organization:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies associations create \
        --organization=100000000000 \
  5. Create a firewall policy to contain the rules for Folder1:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies create \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-folder1" \
        --description="rules that apply to all VMs under Folder1"
  6. Add a rule to allow all HTTP(S) ingress:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 1000 \
        --action=allow \
        --description="allow-http-s-ingress" \
        --layer4-configs=tcp:80,tcp:443 \
        --organization=100000000000 \
  7. Add a rule to deny ingress on all other ports or protocols:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 2000 \
        --action=deny \
        --description="block-ingress-external-traffic" \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-folder1" \
  8. Associate the firewall policy with Folder1:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies associations create \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-folder1" \
  9. Create a firewall policy to contain the rules for Folder2:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies create \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-folder2" \
        --description="rules that apply to all VMs under Folder2"
  10. Add a rule to allow ingress from :

    gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create 1000 \
        --action=allow \
        --description="allow-vul-scan-ingress" \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-folder2" \
  11. Associate the firewall policy with Folder2:

    gcloud compute firewall-policies associations create \
        --organization=100000000000 \
        --short-name="example-firewall-policy-folder2" \
  12. Add a firewall rule to allow HTTP(S) connection ingress:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-internal-traffic \
        --action=allow \

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