Formulating and testing a membership query

This document explains how to formulate and test your membership queries to ensure the correct users are returned.

Before you begin

Perform the following tasks before proceeding with the information on this page:

Formulating and testing your query

Membership queries take the form of target_field condition , and are formatted as Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions. See Valid user attributes for dynamic groups for the list of User resource fields that can be used.

Sample queries

The following example shows how to check for a specific value in a user.addresses field using the exists() CEL function:

 user.addresses.exists(ad, ad.locality=='Sunnyvale') 

The exists() macro is used to create membership queries for fields of type list.

Here is an example of checking multiple values, (building) area and building_id , in a single list entry:

 user.locations.exists(loc, loc.area=='Sunnyvale' && loc.building_id=='Building 1') 

The following example shows how to find users who are part of a given organizational unit:

  • All direct users under a given org unit: user.org_unit_id==orgUnitId('03ph8a2z1enx4lx')
  • All direct and indirect users under a given org unit: user.org_units.exists(org_unit, org_unit.org_unit_id==orgUnitId('03ph8a2z1khexns'))'jOhn DoE')` 

Negation in queries

You can use a NOT ! operator in membership queries to exclude users with certain attributes. Here are some examples:

  • All users who do not belong to a given organizational unit:

  • All users who do not belong to the Marketing organization:

     !user.organization.exists(org, org.title = "Marketing") 

Some combinations of the NOT ! operator and the exists() macro are not supported:

  • Any NOT ! query using the exists() macro and using the AND && operator within it:

     !user.organization.exists(org, (org.title == "Cloud" && org.department == "Sales")) 
  • Any query using the exists() macro with the NOT ! operator inside it:

     user.organization.exists(org, (org.title == "Cloud" || !(org.department == "Sales"))) 

Testing membership queries

To test your membership queries, you can use the simple query builder . It allows you to use drop-down menus and text fields to enter and test a query. After you are sure the membership query returns the correct results, you can create the corresponding CEL queries with the Groups API.

Custom user attributes

Custom user attributes can used in dynamic group queries as long as the custom schema already exists in user.custom_schemas , but they are not supported in the simple query builder drop-downs. To test a query for a custom user attribute, enter it in CEL query format directly into the Enter cel querytext box. A sample custom schema looks like this:

  "schemaName": "employmentData",
  "fields": [
      "fieldName": "EmployeeNumber",
      "fieldType": "STRING",
      "multiValued": "false"
      "fieldName": "JobFamily",
      "fieldType": "STRING",
      "multiValued": "true"

Single valued field

user.custom_schemas.employmentData.EmployeeNumber == 'value'

Multi-valued field

user.custom_schemas.employmentData.JobFamily.exists(fld, fld == 'value')

What's next

After you test your membership query, you can use it when creating a group. For more information, refer to Creating a dynamic group .