Troubleshoot Google Distributed Cloud update issues

If you have problems with updating Google Distributed Cloud, the following sections might help you to troubleshoot the issue. For more information on what settings can be updated, see What can and cannot be updated in clusters .

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care .

Update timeout

The update timeout is dynamically calculated based on the resources to update. However, the calculation isn't always accurate. When the update times out, errors similar to the following are displayed:

  • In the user cluster:

     Failed to update the cluster:...timed out waiting for the condition... 
  • In the admin cluster:

     Failed to update the admin cluster:...timed out waiting for the condition... 

This kind of timeout error can be safely ignored and you can retry the update command. If you retry the command and it times out again with the same error message, reach out to Cloud Customer Care .

Update contains multiple changes

The gkectl update admin and gkectl update cluster commands don't allow updating multiple settings in one command. When the config contains a diff with multiple settings being changed, and an error similar to the following example is returned:

 Update summary for cluster X:
    antiAffinityGroups: enabled to be set to true from false          &config.AAGSpec{
        -   Enabled: false,
        +   Enabled: true,
    user master cpu to be set to 5 from 4          config.NodePoolProps{
            Role:        "master",
            MachineType: "standard-master",
        -   CPUs:        4,
        +   CPUs:        5,
            MemoryMB:    8192,
            Replicas:    3,
            ... // 2 identical fields
            Labels:         nil,
            NodeTaints:     nil,
        -   Vsphere:        nil,
        &config.NodePoolVsphereSpec{Datastore: "lifecycle-workloads1-datastore1"},
        +   Vsphere:        nil,
            BootDiskSizeGB: nil,
            OSImageType:    "",
            ... // 5 identical fields

Exit with error:
Failed to update the cluster: the update contains multiple changes. Please
update only one feature at a time 

This error could happen for various reasons, including the following:

  • A mistake or misconfiguration.
  • You ran gkectl upgrade before with the configuration diff, and expected the changes to be applied.
    • gkectl upgrade doesn't apply any configuration diffs except the version bump.
  • You edited the configuration for another feature update before, but forgot to run the gkectl update command.

If you encounter this behaviour, review the diff in the error message and update the required settings one by one with multiple gkectl update commands. To help identify changes, you can use gkectl get-config to generate configuration files from a cluster and view the existing state and configuration.

Unsupported changes

The gkectl update cluster and gkectl update admin commands ignore unsupported changes, and display error messages similar to the following examples:

 detected unsupported changes: (-current +desired)
-   AdvancedNetworking:       &true,
+   AdvancedNetworking:       &false,
, which will be ignored 

If you encounter this behaviour, review the diff in the error message and perform the following actions:

  • If the change is unintended, edit the config YAML file and update with only the correct, intended changes.
    • In the previous example, if you didn't intend to disable AdvancedNetworking , set advancedNetworking: true in the config YAML file.
  • If the change is intended, the error indicates that the change isn't supported. Perform one of the following actions:

OS image doesn't exist

The gkectl update cluster and gkectl update admin commands might fail with OS Images preflight check failures similar to the following examples:

  • In the user cluster:

     - Validation Category: OS Images
        - [FAILURE] User cluster OS images exist: os images  [xxxx] don't exist,
        please run `gkectl prepare` to upload os images. 
  • In the admin cluster:

     - Validation Category: OS Images
        - [FAILURE] Admin cluster OS images exist: os images [xxxx] don't exist,
        please run `gkectl prepare` to upload os images. 

These errors can happen if the OS image was removed unexpectedly in your vCenter environment, such as by a periodical cleanup job.

To re-import the import OS images, run the gkectl prepare command, as follows:

gkectl prepare \
    --bundle-path /var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere- TARGET_VERSION 
.tgz \

Not enough datastore free space for new node pools

When you add new node pools, the gkectl update cluster command might fail with VSphere Datastore FreeSpace preflight check errors similar to the following example:

 - [FAILURE] VSphere Datastore FreeSpace: vCenter datastore: xxxx insufficient
  FreeSpace, requires at least xxx  GB 

This failure indicates that the datastore doesn't have sufficient free space to run the new node pools. Use one of the following options helps to provide space for the operation to succeed:

  • Free up space from the datastore.
  • Configure a different nodePools[].vsphere.datastore datastore for the node pool.

What's next

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care .