Troubleshoot OIDC provider issues

This document provides troubleshooting guidance for OIDC and AzureAD identity provider issues in GKE Identity Service.

Incorrect formatting of certificate

This issue occurs when the certificate value has formatting errors. Formatting issues can correspond to certificate values that aren't base64 encoded and values that are base64 encoded but incorrect. The issue can also arise if the certificate isn't signed by a root certificate authority or a correctly formatted trust chain isn't provided.

Error messages

The following examples are of error messages for scenarios where the certificate format is incorrect:

  • Certificate that is not base64 encoded: Failed creating HTTP client to fetch the Discovery URI "<Discovery-document URI>" with error: Unable to decode data field, the value should be Base64 encoded

  • Certificate that is not formatted correctly or is base64 encoded but incorrect: Unable to connect to '', encountered the following error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?). Details: error setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: /tmp/example.pem CApath: none (The certificate could not be read, this is most likely because it's empty or contains a formatting error. Please check your configuration.)

  • Certificate that is not formatted correctly or is base64 encoded but incorrect: Failed fetching the Discovery URI "<Discovery-document URI>" with error: Unable to load TLS certificates.


You can resolve the issues in one of the following ways:

  • The certificate value you provide in the ClientConfig should be a base64 encoded string and PEM formatted string. For more information, see Encode CA certificates .
  • If your provider doesn't use certificates signed by a root certificate authority, then you need to configure GKE Identity Service with a certificate trust chain. For more information, see Intermediate certificates .

Wrong certificate value

This issue occurs when the certificate has a mismatched value. In this case, the formatting of the certificates is correct, however they don't match the server. It can also indicate that there were no certificates in the configuration.

A certificate value can be considered incorrect in any of the following scenarios:

  • An incorrect certificate value is shared in the ClientConfig. A certificate value is incorrect when the issuer of the server certificate does not match the subject of the configured certificate.
  • The certificate in the ClientConfig isn't a base64 encoded string.
  • The certificate chain is not provided when intermediate certificates are used to issue the server certificate.

Error message

The following examples are of error messages for scenarios where there's a mismatch in the certificate value:

  • Certificate chain is not complete or does not match the server: SSL peer certificate was not OK. Details: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

  • Certificate chain is not complete (corresponds to an invalid partial chain which doesn't start at the root or isn't contiguous): Failed fetching the Discovery URI "<Discovery-document URI>" with error: The server's TLS certificate did not match expectations.

  • Certificate chain is valid but doesn't match the OIDC server: AIS was expecting the server to have a different certificate

  • Certificate chain is valid but doesn't match the OIDC server: Failed fetching the Discovery URI "<Discovery-document URI>" with error: The server's TLS certificate did not match expectations.


The certificate value you provide in the ClientConfig needs to include a correctly formatted certificate chain that matches the identity provider. For more information on how to format and encode certificates, see Encode CA certificates .