Get fleet membership status

This page shows you how to get the fleet membership status of your clusters, including listing all your fleet members, and getting membership details such as the cluster's membership name or if it has fleet Workload Identity enabled. You can use this information to validate that you have successfully registered a cluster, or to perform other fleet-level tasks.

You can view clusters that have been successfully registered by using the gcloud CLI or the Google Cloud console. Some additional status details are available only by using the gcloud CLI.


Required roles

Ensure you have the minimum permissions to view fleet clusters in the Google Cloud console.

A cluster's fleet registration status is shown in the following pages:

  • The GKE clusters page displays the fleet name in the cluster list's Fleetcolumn.

    Go to the GKE Clusters page

  • The GKE cluster details page shows the cluster's unique membership name in the GKE Hub Membershipfield.

  • If you have running workloads on the cluster, the fleet name is also displayed on the GKE workloads page, in the workload list's Fleetcolumn.

    Go to the GKE Workloads page


The following commands provide information about fleet members:

  • List all registered clusters in a project:

     gcloud container fleet memberships list \
      --project= PROJECT_ID 

    In the command output, the Name column lists the membership names of registered clusters. The membership name might be the same as the cluster name depending on the membership name that was chosen when the cluster was registered. The EXTERNAL_ID column lists the clusters' UIDs in the kube-system namespace. You can find a cluster's UID with the following command: kubectl get namespace kube-system -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}'

  • View fleet membership details about a cluster:

     gcloud container fleet memberships describe MEMBERSHIP_NAME 
      --project= PROJECT_ID 

    This command returns complete details of your cluster's fleet membership, including when it was registered and if it has fleet Workload Identity enabled.

What's next

Learn more about working with, and connecting to fleet clusters in the following guides: