retention - Provides utilities to interact with Retention Policy feature.


gsutil retention set <retention_period> gs://<bucket_name>...

gsutil retention clear gs://<bucket_name>...

gsutil retention get gs://<bucket_name>...

gsutil retention lock gs://<bucket_name>...

gsutil retention event-default (set|release) gs://<bucket_name>...

gsutil retention event (set|release) gs://<bucket_name>/<object_name>...

gsutil retention temp (set|release) gs://<bucket_name>/<object_name>...



You can configure a data retention policy for a Cloud Storage bucket that governs how long objects in the bucket must be retained. You can also lock the data retention policy, permanently preventing the policy from being reduced or removed. For more information, see Bucket Lock .

The gsutil retention set command allows you to set or update the retention policy on one or more buckets.

To remove an unlocked retention policy from one or more buckets, use the gsutil retention clear command.

The set sub-command can set a retention policy with the following formats:

Set Formats

Formats for the set subcommand include:


Specifies retention period of <number> seconds for objects in this bucket.


Specifies retention period of <number> days for objects in this bucket.


Specifies retention period of <number> months for objects in this bucket.


Specifies retention period of <number> years for objects in this bucket.

Cloud Storage JSON API accepts retention periods as number of seconds. Durations provided in terms of days, months or years are converted to their rough equivalent values in seconds, using the following conversions:

  • A month is considered to be 31 days or 2,678,400 seconds.

  • A year is considered to be 365.25 days or 31,557,600 seconds.

Retention periods must be greater than 0 and less than 100 years. Retention durations must be in only one form (seconds, days, months, or years), and not a combination of them.

Note that while it is possible to specify retention durations shorter than a day (using seconds), enforcement of such retention periods is not guaranteed. Such durations may only be used for testing purposes.


Setting a retention policy with a duration of 1 year on a bucket:

gsutil retention set 1y gs://my-bucket

Setting a retention policy with a duration of 36 months on a bucket:

gsutil retention set 36m gs://some-bucket

You can also provide a precondition on a bucket's metageneration in order to avoid potential race conditions. You can use gsutil's '-h' option to specify preconditions. For example, the following specifies a precondition that checks a bucket's metageneration before setting the retention policy on the bucket:

gsutil -h "x-goog-if-metageneration-match: 1" \
  retention set 1y gs://my-bucket


The gsutil retention clear command removes an unlocked retention policy from one or more buckets. You cannot remove or reduce the duration of a locked retention policy.


Clearing an unlocked retention policy from a bucket:

gsutil retention clear gs://my-bucket


The gsutil retention get command retrieves the retention policy for a given bucket and displays a human-readable representation of the configuration.


The gsutil retention lock command PERMANENTLY locks an unlocked retention policy on one or more buckets.


The gsutil retention event-default command sets the default value for an event-based hold on one or more buckets.

By setting the default event-based hold on a bucket, newly-created objects inherit that value as their event-based hold (it is not applied retroactively).


Setting the default event-based hold on a bucket:

gsutil retention event-default set gs://my-bucket

Releasing the default event-based hold on a bucket:

gsutil retention event-default release gs://my-bucket

You can also provide a precondition on a bucket's metageneration in order to avoid potential race conditions. You can use gsutil's '-h' option to specify preconditions. For example, the following specifies a precondition that checks a bucket's metageneration before setting the default event-based hold on the bucket:

gsutil -h "x-goog-if-metageneration-match: 1" \
  retention event-default set gs://my-bucket


The gsutil retention event command enables or disables an event-based hold on an object.


Setting the event-based hold on an object:

gsutil retention event set gs://my-bucket/my-object

Releasing the event-based hold on an object:

gsutil retention event release gs://my-bucket/my-object

You can also provide a precondition on an object's metageneration in order to avoid potential race conditions. You can use gsutil's '-h' option to specify preconditions. For example, the following specifies a precondition that checks an object's metageneration before setting the event-based hold on the object:

gsutil -h "x-goog-if-metageneration-match: 1" \
  retention event set gs://my-bucket/my-object

If you want to set or release an event-based hold on a large number of objects, then you might want to use the top-level '-m' option to perform a parallel update. For example, the following command sets an event-based hold on objects ending with .jpg in parallel, in the root folder:

gsutil -m retention event set gs://my-bucket/*.jpg


The gsutil retention temp command enables or disables a temporary hold on an object.


Setting the temporary hold on an object:

gsutil retention temp set gs://my-bucket/my-object

Releasing the temporary hold on an object:

gsutil retention temp release gs://my-bucket/my-object

You can also provide a precondition on an object's metageneration in order to avoid potential race conditions. You can use gsutil's '-h' option to specify preconditions. For example, the following specifies a precondition that checks an object's metageneration before setting the temporary hold on the object:

gsutil -h "x-goog-if-metageneration-match: 1" \
  retention temp set gs://my-bucket/my-object

If you want to set or release a temporary hold on a large number of objects, then you might want to use the top-level '-m' option to perform a parallel update. For example, the following command sets a temporary hold on objects ending with .jpg in parallel, in the root folder:

gsutil -m retention temp set gs://bucket/*.jpg