Centrally manage saved translations

By default, when you assign a translation memory to a portal, the translation memory is set as read-write. Changes during a post edit can overwrite saved translations. However, in cases where you want to ensure that only vetted changes are made to the translation memory, you can set it to read only. That way, Translation Hub doesn't captured any changes during post-editing.

You might, for example, set a translation memory to read only for most portals so that users can apply the translation memory and freely make post edits without modifying the translation memory.

Set translation memory to read only

The read-write configuration for translation memories is set per portal.

  1. In the Translation Hubsection of the Google Cloud console, go to the Portalspage.

    Go to the Portals page

  2. Select the portal that contains the translation memory that you want to set as read only.

  3. In the Translation memoriessection, find the translation memory to set as read only and then select More > Set as read-only.

    In the Translation memoriestable, the Access typefor the translation memory changes to Read-only.

Maintenance of read-only translation memories

As your content evolves, you might want to regularly update your read-only translation memories. To do that, you can create a dedicated portal for vetted post editors. For that portal, set the translation memories as read-write and let the post editors request translations that use those translation memories. When the post editors self-edit the results, Translation Hub captures new or modified translations.

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