Transfer data

To use the Data Transfer API, you define a transfer and then initiate it using the insert method. The transfer is defined in terms of one or more applications whose data will be transferred, and can include application-specific parameters .

The following is a high-level summary of the transfer process:

  1. Determine the applications for which you want to transfer data.
  2. Define a DataTransfer resource that specifies the source and destination users and the applications for which to transfer data.
  3. Initiate the transfer by using the insert() method .

For example, the following JSON request body transfers a calendar from the source user ( SOURCE_USER_ID ) to the destination user ( DESTINATION_USER_ID ). You can retrieve the user IDs for each owner by calling the user.get() method of the Directory API and providing their email address or email alias.

  "oldOwnerUserId": " SOURCE_USER_ID 
  "newOwnerUserId": " DESTINATION_USER_ID 
  "applicationDataTransfers": [
      "applicationId": "435070579839",
      "applicationTransferParams": [
          "key": "RELEASE_RESOURCES",
          "value": [

The Data Transfer API includes additional methods and resources to help you construct and administer transfers, allowing you to do things like the following:

  • List applications available for data transfer.
  • Get application information by application ID.
  • List transfers by source user, destination user, or status.
  • Get a transfer request by resource ID.