Release Notes for the Google API Client Library for .NET

See GitHub for future release announcements

Release notes are now located in in the GitHub repository .

Release notes up to 1.10.0 (December 2015)

Version 1.10.0

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


  • Issue 606 and Issue 612 : Executing a request to Google APIs when using ServiceAccount may have resulted in a deadlock (depending on the current synchronization context).
  • Issue 616 : Travis testing support.
  • Issue 624 : Support in Incremental Auth for Web applications.
  • Issue 622 : Improvements for MediaDownloader.
  • Issue 592 , Issue 617 , and Issue 631 : Fix concurrency bug in ConfigurableMessageHandler.
  • Issue 615 : From now on, GoogleApiException exposes the RequestError object.
  • Issue 609 : InvalidOperationException exception could be thrown on Windows Phone during authentication.

Version 1.9.2

Thursday, July 23, 2015


  • The client library code was moved to GitHub .
  • Issue 238 : Support a signed version of Google.Apis. The Pull Request includes updating the NuGet packages, and the release tool.
  • Issue 548 : A batch requests used to fail if the response included duplicate HTTP headers.
  • Switch ServiceAccountCredential signing to be FIPS compliant.
  • Issue 561 : Support JSON service account keys.

Version 1.9.1

Monday, December 29, 2014


  • Tools/Google.Apis.Release - Do not clean the generated directory, since it contains .NET docs.
  • NuGet package should refer to the release notes as the project URL.
  • Improve ComputeCredential error while trying to request a new access token, code review .
  • Issue 503: TokenResponse.IsExpired returns true one minute after token expiration, code review .
  • Support ComputeCredential , code review .
  • Change version to 1.9.1 and output XML for the new WP8.1 projects.
  • Issue 471: Support WP 8.1 projects, code review .
  • Issue 330: Operation could destabilize runtime Google.Api.Services.BaseClientService , code review .
  • Issue 482: GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync - browser will not self-close, code review .

Version 1.9.0

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


  • Issue 471: Support Windows 8.1 application (NOTE: There is not a full solution for WP8.1 and there is a problem in building the project using Google.Apis.Release tool), code review .
  • Issue 475: Clicking the back button on WP crashes the application, code review .
  • Issue 471: Support Windows Phone 8.1 - Upgrade JSON.NET to 6.0.4 and update Portable projects to profile 328.
  • Use profile 136 for now (everything compiles again). Need to investigate how can we support portable-net40+sl50+win+wpa81+wp80 (profile 328) for Newtonsoft.Json and Zlib.Portable . Both those packages are missing some configuration for profile 328.
  • Update projects to support profile 328 (for universal apps).
  • Issue 478: Update NuGet dependencies, code review .

Version 1.8.2

Monday, May 26, 2014


  • Issue 452: Fix an incompatible change that was committed before ( FileDataStore ), code review .
  • Issue 464: Cannot send HTTP request when setting an invalid etag, code review .
  • Issue 463: Add support in token revocation, code review .
  • Issue 462: Improve FileDataStore implementation, code review .
  • Improve NuGet Publisher logs.
  • Issue 455: Translate API does not work in POST mode (bug in MaxUrlLengthInterceptor), code review .

Version 1.8.1

Monday, March 17, 2014


  • No code changes since RC, the library is out of beta!
  • Developer's guide was improved significantly.

Version 1.8.0 (RC)

Monday, February 17, 2014


  • WP auth bug fix.
  • Improve comments for doxygen process.
  • Improve comments to AuthActionFilter .
  • Fix comments.
  • Issue 362: Add a resume method to media upload, code review .
  • Release tool should support RC.
  • Comment fix (and\or ==> and \ or).
  • Issue 422: Back button doesn't work on WP auth login.
  • Issue 431: WebAuthenticationBrokerUserControl.OnBrowserNavigationFailed throws ArgumentNullException when there is no network connectivity, code review .
  • Issue 436: Add Utility methods to parse DateTime to string and string to DateTime , code review .
  • Issue 432: BatchRequest with null callback throws exception, code review .

Version 1.7.0 (beta)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


  • DateTime bug when server gets "2013-12-17T23:26:42Z" and not "updated=2013-12-17T23:26:42.000Z".
  • Issue 428: Fix a bug when using a DateTime as a query parameter.
  • Issue 401: Malformed HTTP request based on not honoring the URI Template spec (
  • Issue 425: Set HttpStatusCode on GoogleApiException when available.
  • Issue 420: RequestAccessTokenAsync and RefreshAccessTokenAsync should be public.
  • Issue 60: Support a new BatchRequest .
  • Call ConfigureAwait on every call to await (when applicable).
  • Issue 407: Split Google.Apis to Google.Apis.Core and Google.Apis .
  • Issue 404: Remove obsolete GoogleApis.Authentication code.

Version 1.6 (beta)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


  • Change the nuspec descriptions.
  • Fix a bug on creating core Nuget packages.
  • Remove all content of 3rd party library except DotNetOpenAuth .
  • Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json to 5.0.8 and add a new IClientServiceRequest interface (not generic).
  • Rename MVC NuGet package from MVC4 to MVC.
  • Fix a small bug in the release process.
  • Issue 351: Reimplement the OAuth 2.0 library (Step 7): Change the release process to support new packages, code review .
  • Issue 351: Reimplement the OAuth 2.0 library (Step 5): Windows Phone support, code review .
  • Issue 351: Reimplement the OAuth 2.0 library (Step 6): WinRT Support, code review .
  • Issue 361: MediaDownloader can't download drive export list, code review .
  • Issue 351: Reimplement the OAuth 2.0 library (Step 4): Service Account and MVC, code review .
  • Issue 351: Reimplement the OAuth 2.0 library (Step 3): Add tests, UserCredential and flows, code review .
  • Issue 146: Pass override HTTP header when request URI too long, code review .
  • Issue 383: ExecuteAsync creates an unnecessary additional Task , code review .
  • Issue 377: New build tool releasing a new version, code review .
  • Issue 351: Reimplement the OAuth 2.0 library (Step 2): Auth PCL - define only data types, code review .
  • Issue 148: Extension method should be internal (and not public).
  • Add NuGet.exe to Tootls/.nuget folder.
  • Issue 351: Reimplement the OAuth 2.0 library (Step 1): Adjustments to current library, code review .
  • Change the directory of Google.Apis.NuGet.Publisher project.
  • Rename IMediaDownloaded file to IMediaDownloader .
  • Issue 376: Create a NuGet publisher to publish Google.Apis packages, code review .

Version 1.5.0 (beta)

Monday, August 19, 2013


  • Issue 369: Change default behavior of a HTTP request (Number Tries = 3, BackOff of 503 by default), code review .
  • Add documentation to DotNet4 project.
  • Change .hgignore and add Google.Apis.*xml .
  • Issues 373 (execute bug), 374 (remove Tests.Utility assembly) and 375 (clean warnings), code review .
  • Update .hgignore file.
  • Issue 360: Fix a bug in ResumableUpload when media size is unknown, code review .
  • Issue 325: Remove Discovery and codegen parts from the library, code review .
  • Issue 368: Update NuGet.exe.
  • Update Microsoft.Http.Client.LICENSE.rtf.

Version 1.4.0 (beta)

Monday, June 24, 2013


  • Issue 322: Use canonical name for service class when possible.
  • Issue 338: Support media downloader.
  • Issue 334: Include Google.Apis.FullProfile as part of our release.
  • Issue 320: Change Google.Apis to be a PCL assembly.
  • Issue 321: Support CancellationToken on service and media requests.
  • Issue 329: Exponential back-off.
  • Remove ResourcePath from a service request.
  • NuGet packages error on Windows 8.
  • Update Tools and add add DLLs and licenses in the 3rd party library.
  • Add NuGet.exe to .nuget folder.
  • Issues 320, 324 and 260: Upgrade .NET 4.0, create Google.Api.Http namespace and support NuGet.
  • Fix ResumableUpload URI.
  • Issues 310 and 311: ResumableUpload - support server errors and stream with unknown size.
  • Issue 308: Set ResumableUpload URL to /upload + resource-uri.
  • Issue 304: ServiceGenerator should use rootUrl key from the Discovery doc.

Version 1.3.0 (beta)

Monday, March 18, 2013


  • Add a new Google.Apis.Services namespace.
  • Issue 303: ServiceGenerator doesn't work with read-only URL files.
  • Issue 300: Bug in ResumableUpload URL.
  • Issue 293: Include CLR version (Unit Test).
  • Issues 293 and 295: Include CLR version and API version in the user agent header.
  • Issue 292: Improve the build process.
  • Issue 277: DiscoveryDocument should be removed from each generated API.
  • Issues 193 (specify alt parameter on ServiceRequest ) and 249 (omit default values from query).