Authorization for Google Services

Apps Script requires user authorization to access private data from built-in Google services or advanced Google services .

Granting access rights

Apps Script determines the authorization scopes (like access your Google Sheets files or Gmail) automatically, based on a scan of the code. Code that is commented out can still generate an authorization request. If a script needs authorization, you'll see one of the authorization dialogs shown here when it is run.

Scripts that you have previously authorized also ask for additional authorization if a code change adds new services. Scripts may not request authorization if you access the script as a web app that runs under the script owner's user identity .

Revoking access rights

To revoke a script's access to your data, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the permissions page for your Google account. (To navigate to this page in the future, visit , then click your account picture in the top-right corner of the screen. Next, click My Account, then Connected apps & sitesunder the "Sign-in & security" section, and then Manage Apps.)
  2. Click the name of the script whose authorization you want to revoke, then click Removeon the right, then OKin the resulting dialog.

Permissions and types of scripts

The user identity that a script runs with — and thus the data it can access — varies based on the scenario in which the script is run, as shown in the table below.

Type of script Script runs as...
Standalone , add-on , or bound to Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms User at the keyboard
Custom function in a spreadsheet Anonymous user ; however, quota limits count against user at the keyboard
Web app or Google Sites gadget User at the keyboard or script owner, dependent on options selected when deploying the app
Installable trigger User who created the trigger

Manual authorization scopes for Sheets, Docs, Slides, and Forms

If you're building an add-on or other script that uses the Spreadsheet service , Document service , Slides service , or Forms service , you can force the authorization dialog to ask only for access to files in which the add-on or script is used, rather than all of a user's spreadsheets, documents, or forms. To do so, include the following JsDoc annotation in a file-level comment:


An opposing annotation, @NotOnlyCurrentDoc , is available if your script includes a library that declares @OnlyCurrentDoc , but the master script actually requires access to more than the current file.

Authorization lifecycle for add-ons

Add-ons for Google Sheets, Docs, Slides, and Forms generally follow the same authorization model as scripts that are bound to a document. In certain circumstances, however, their onOpen(e) and onEdit(e) functions run in a no-authorization mode that presents some additional complications. For more information, see the guide to the add-ons authorization lifecycle .

OAuth application user limits

Applications that use OAuth to access Google user data, including Apps Script projects, are subject to authorization limits. See OAuth application user limits for details.