Document Service


This service allows scripts to create, access, and modify Google Docs files.

 'Document Name' 


Name Brief description
Attribute An enumeration of the element attributes.
Body The content of a tab in a Google Docs document.
Bookmark An object representing a bookmark.
ContainerElement A generic element that may contain other elements.
Date An element representing a formatted date
Document A document, containing one or more Tab objects, each of which contains rich text and elements such as tables and lists.
DocumentApp The document service creates and opens Documents that can be edited.
DocumentTab A document tab, containing rich text and elements such as tables and lists.
Element A generic element.
ElementType An enumeration of all the element types.
Equation An element representing a mathematical expression.
EquationFunction An element representing a function in a mathematical Equation .
EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator An element representing a function separator in a mathematical Equation .
EquationSymbol An element representing a symbol in a mathematical Equation .
FontFamily An enumeration of the supported fonts.
FooterSection An element representing a footer section.
Footnote An element representing a footnote.
FootnoteSection An element representing a footnote section.
GlyphType An enumeration of the supported glyph types.
HeaderSection An element representing a header section.
HorizontalAlignment An enumeration of the supported horizontal alignment types.
HorizontalRule An element representing an horizontal rule.
InlineDrawing An element representing an embedded drawing.
InlineImage An element representing an embedded image.
ListItem An element representing a list item.
NamedRange A Range that has a name and ID to allow later retrieval.
PageBreak An element representing a page break.
Paragraph An element representing a paragraph.
ParagraphHeading An enumeration of the standard paragraph headings.
Person An element representing a link to a person.
Position A reference to a location in the document tab, relative to a specific element.
PositionedImage Fixed position image anchored to a Paragraph .
PositionedLayout An enumeration that specifies how to lay out a PositionedImage in relation to surrounding text.
Range A range of elements in a document.
RangeBuilder A builder used to construct Range objects from document elements.
RangeElement A wrapper around an Element with a possible start and end offset.
RichLink An element representing a link to a Google resource, such as a Drive file or a YouTube video.
Tab A tab within a Google Docs document.
TabType An enumeration of all the tab types.
Table An element representing a table.
TableCell An element representing a table cell.
TableOfContents An element containing a table of contents.
TableRow An element representing a table row.
Text An element representing a rich text region.
TextAlignment An enumeration of the type of text alignments.
UnsupportedElement An element representing a region that is unknown or cannot be affected by a script, such as a page number.
VerticalAlignment An enumeration of the supported vertical alignment types.



Property Type Description
Enum The background color of an element (Paragraph, Table, etc) or document.
Enum The font weight setting, for rich text.
Enum The border color, for table elements.
Enum The border width in points, for table elements.
Enum The code contents, for equation elements.
Enum The font family setting, for rich text.
Enum The font size setting in points, for rich text.
Enum The foreground color setting, for rich text.
Enum The heading type, for paragraph elements (for example, DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING1 ).
Enum The height setting, for image elements.
Enum The horizontal alignment, for paragraph elements (for example, DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER ).
Enum The end indentation setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The first line indentation setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The start indentation setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The font style setting, for rich text.
Enum The glyph type, for list item elements.
Enum The text direction setting, for rich text.
Enum The line spacing setting as a multiplier, for paragraph elements.
Enum The link URL, for rich text.
Enum The ID of the encompassing list, for list item elements.
Enum The bottom margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The left margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The right margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The top margin setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The item nesting level, for list item elements.
Enum The minimum height setting in points, for table row elements.
Enum The bottom padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
Enum The left padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
Enum The right padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
Enum The top padding setting in points, for table cell elements.
Enum The page height setting in points, for documents.
Enum The page width setting in points, for documents.
Enum The bottom spacing setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The top spacing setting in points, for paragraph elements.
Enum The strike-through setting, for rich text.
Enum The underline setting, for rich text.
Enum The vertical alignment setting, for table cell elements.
Enum The width setting, for table cell and image elements.



Method Return type Brief description
HorizontalRule Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule .
InlineImage Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
InlineImage Appends the given InlineImage .
ListItem Appends the given ListItem .
ListItem Creates and appends a new ListItem containing the specified text contents.
PageBreak Creates and appends a new PageBreak .
PageBreak Appends the given PageBreak .
Paragraph Appends the given Paragraph .
Paragraph Creates and appends a new Paragraph containing the specified text contents.
Table Creates and appends a new Table .
Table Appends a new Table containing a TableCell for each specified string value.
Table Appends the given Table .
Body Clears the contents of the element.
Body Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
Object Retrieves the set of attributes for the provided ParagraphHeading .
InlineImage[] Retrieves all the InlineImages contained in the section.
ListItem[] Retrieves all the ListItems contained in the section.
Number Retrieves the bottom margin, in points.
Number Retrieves the left margin, in points.
Number Retrieves the right margin.
Number Retrieves the top margin.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
Number Retrieves the page height, in points.
Number Retrieves the page width, in points.
Paragraph[] Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems ).
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Table[] Retrieves all the Tables contained in the section.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
HorizontalRule Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
InlineImage Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
InlineImage Inserts the given InlineImage at the specified index.
ListItem Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
ListItem Creates and inserts a new ListItem at the specified index, containing the specified text contents.
PageBreak Creates and inserts a new PageBreak at the specified index.
PageBreak Inserts the given PageBreak at the specified index.
Paragraph Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
Paragraph Creates and inserts a new Paragraph at the specified index, containing the specified text contents.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table containing the specified cells, at the specified index.
Table Inserts the given Table at the specified index.
Body Removes the specified child element.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
Body Sets the element's attributes.
Body Sets the attributes for the provided ParagraphHeading .
Body Sets the bottom margin, in points.
Body Sets the left margin, in points.
Body Sets the right margin, in points.
Body Sets the top margin.
Body Sets the page height, in points.
Body Sets the page width, in points.
Body Sets the contents as plain text.
Body Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
String Gets the ID of the Bookmark .
Position Gets the Position of the Bookmark within the DocumentTab .
void Deletes the Bookmark .



Method Return type Brief description
Body Returns the current element as a Body .
Equation Returns the current element as an Equation .
FooterSection Returns the current element as a FooterSection .
FootnoteSection Returns the current element as a FootnoteSection .
HeaderSection Returns the current element as a HeaderSection .
ListItem Returns the current element as a ListItem .
Paragraph Returns the current element as a Paragraph .
Table Returns the current element as a Table .
TableCell Returns the current element as a TableCell .
TableOfContents Returns the current element as a TableOfContents .
TableRow Returns the current element as a TableRow .
ContainerElement Clears the contents of the element.
ContainerElement Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
String Retrieves the link url.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
ContainerElement Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
ContainerElement Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
ContainerElement Sets the element's attributes.
ContainerElement Sets the link url.
ContainerElement Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
Date Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
String Returns the display value that's rendered in the document.
String Returns the date's locale used for the display value.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
Date Returns the timestamp associated with the date.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Date Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
Date Removes the element from its parent.
Date Sets the element's attributes.


Methods on the Document class that directly access and modify text contents operate on either the active tab (in scripts bound to a particular document) or the first tab (if an active one isn't available). Scripts relying on these methods (such as, Document.getBody() ) can be updated to support tabs to one of the following:

  • Use first tab: Document.getTabs()[0].asDocumentTab().getBody()
  • Use all tabs: Traverse the tabs tree by using Document.getTabs() and Tab.getChildTabs() . For every tab in the tree, call Tab.asDocumentTab().getBody()
  • Use selected tab: Document.getTabs()[Document.getActiveTab().getId()].asDocumentTab().getBody()
  • Use a specific tab: Document.getTab(TAB_ID).asDocumentTab().getBody()

For more information on the tabs feature, see Work with Tabs .


Method Return type Brief description
Bookmark Adds a Bookmark at the given Position to the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
Document Adds the given user to the list of editors for the Document .
Document Adds the given user to the list of editors for the Document .
Document Adds the given array of users to the list of editors for the Document .
FooterSection Adds a footer section, if none exists, to the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
HeaderSection Adds a header section, if none exists, to the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
NamedRange Adds a NamedRange , which is a Range that has a name and ID to use for later retrieval, in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
Document Adds the given user to the list of viewers for the Document .
Document Adds the given user to the list of viewers for the Document .
Document Adds the given array of users to the list of viewers for the Document .
Tab Gets the user's currently active Tab in the document.
Blob Retrieves the current Document contents as a blob of the specified type.
Blob Retrieves the current Document contents as a blob.
Body Retrieves the first tab's Body or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab's DocumentBodySection .
Bookmark Gets the Bookmark with the given ID in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
Bookmark[] Gets all Bookmark objects in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
Position Gets the user's cursor in the active tab.
User[] Gets the list of editors for this Document .
FooterSection Retrieves the first tab's footer section or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab's footer section.
Footnote[] Retrieves all the Footnote elements in the first tab's body or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab's body.
HeaderSection Retrieves the first tab's header section or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab's header section.
String Retrieves the document's unique identifier.
String Gets the document's language code.
String Retrieves the title of the document.
NamedRange Gets the NamedRange with the given ID in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
NamedRange[] Gets all NamedRange objects in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
NamedRange[] Gets all NamedRange objects with the given name in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
Range Gets the user's selection in the active tab.
String[] Gets all language codes that are supported in Google Docs files.
Tab Gets the Tab with the specified ID.
Tab[] Gets all unnested Tab s that are part of the document.
String Retrieves the URL to access the current document.
User[] Gets the list of viewers and commenters for this Document .
Position Creates a new Position , which is a reference to a location in the tab, relative to a specific element in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
RangeBuilder Creates a builder used to construct Range objects from tab elements in the first tab or, for scripts that are bound to a document, the active tab.
Document Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Document .
Document Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Document .
Document Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Document .
Document Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Document .
void Saves the current Document .
void Sets the user's selected Tab in the current document to the tab with the specified ID.
Document Sets the user's cursor, given a Position .
Document Sets the document's language code.
Document Sets the document title.
Document Sets the user's selection in the active tab, given a Range .



Property Type Description
Attribute The Attribute enumeration.
ElementType The ElementType enumeration.
FontFamily The FontFamily enumeration.
GlyphType The GlyphType enumeration.
HorizontalAlignment The HorizontalAlignment enumeration.
ParagraphHeading The ParagraphHeading enumeration.
PositionedLayout The PositionedLayout enumeration.
TextAlignment The TextAlignment enumeration.
VerticalAlignment The VerticalAlignment enumeration.


Method Return type Brief description
Document Creates and returns a new document.
Document Returns the document to which the script is container-bound .
Ui Returns an instance of the document's user-interface environment that allows the script to add features like menus, dialogs, and sidebars.
Document Returns the document with the specified ID.
Document Opens and returns the document with the specified URL.



Method Return type Brief description
Bookmark Adds a Bookmark at the given Position .
FooterSection Adds a tab footer section, if none exists.
HeaderSection Adds a tab header section, if none exists.
NamedRange Adds a NamedRange , which is a Range that has a name and ID to use for later retrieval.
Body Retrieves the tab's Body .
Bookmark Gets the Bookmark with the given ID.
Bookmark[] Gets all Bookmark objects in the tab.
FooterSection Retrieves the tab's footer section, if one exists.
Footnote[] Retrieves all the Footnote elements in the tab's body.
HeaderSection Retrieves the tab's header section, if one exists.
NamedRange Gets the NamedRange with the given ID.
NamedRange[] Gets all NamedRange objects in the tab.
NamedRange[] Gets all NamedRange objects in the tab with the given name.
Position Creates a new Position , which is a reference to a location in the tab, relative to a specific element.
RangeBuilder Creates a builder used to construct Range objects from tab elements.



Method Return type Brief description
Body Returns the current element as a Body .
Date Returns the current element as a Date .
Equation Returns the current element as an Equation .
EquationFunction Returns the current element as a EquationFunction .
EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator Returns the current element as a EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator .
EquationSymbol Returns the current element as a EquationSymbol .
FooterSection Returns the current element as a FooterSection .
Footnote Returns the current element as a Footnote .
FootnoteSection Returns the current element as a FootnoteSection .
HeaderSection Returns the current element as a HeaderSection .
HorizontalRule Returns the current element as a HorizontalRule .
InlineDrawing Returns the current element as a InlineDrawing .
InlineImage Returns the current element as a InlineImage .
ListItem Returns the current element as a ListItem .
PageBreak Returns the current element as a PageBreak .
Paragraph Returns the current element as a Paragraph .
Person Returns the current element as a Person .
RichLink Returns the current element as a RichLink , for example, a link to a Google Sheets file.
Table Returns the current element as a Table .
TableCell Returns the current element as a TableCell .
TableOfContents Returns the current element as a TableOfContents .
TableRow Returns the current element as a TableRow .
Text Returns the current element as a Text .
Element Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Element Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
Element Removes the element from its parent.
Element Sets the element's attributes.



Property Type Description
Enum The type corresponding to the Body element.
Enum The type corresponding to the CommentSection element.
Enum The type corresponding to the Date element.
Enum The type corresponding to the Equation element.
Enum The type corresponding to the EquationFunction element.
Enum The type corresponding to the EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator element.
Enum The type corresponding to the EquationSymbol element.
Enum The type corresponding to the RichLink element.
Enum The type corresponding to the FooterSection element.
Enum The type corresponding to the Footnote element.
Enum The type corresponding to the FootnoteSection element.
Enum The type corresponding to the HeaderSection element.
Enum The type corresponding to the HorizontalRule element.
Enum The type corresponding to the InlineDrawing element.
Enum The type corresponding to the InlineImage element.
Enum The type corresponding to the ListItem element.
Enum The type corresponding to the PageBreak element.
Enum The type corresponding to the Paragraph element.
Enum The type corresponding to the Person element.
Enum The type corresponding to the Table element.
Enum The type corresponding to the TableCell element.
Enum The type corresponding to the TableOfContents element.
Enum The type corresponding to the TableRow element.
Enum The type corresponding to the Text element.
Enum The type corresponding to UnsupportedElement .



Method Return type Brief description
Equation Clears the contents of the element.
Equation Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
String Retrieves the link url.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Equation Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
Equation Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
Equation Sets the element's attributes.
Equation Sets the link url.
Equation Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
EquationFunction Clears the contents of the element.
EquationFunction Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
String Retrieves the code corresponding to the equation function.
String Retrieves the link url.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
EquationFunction Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
EquationFunction Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
EquationFunction Sets the element's attributes.
EquationFunction Sets the link url.
EquationFunction Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator Removes the element from its parent.
EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator Sets the element's attributes.



Method Return type Brief description
EquationSymbol Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
String Retrieves the code corresponding to the equation symbol.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
EquationSymbol Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
EquationSymbol Removes the element from its parent.
EquationSymbol Sets the element's attributes.




Method Return type Brief description
HorizontalRule Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule .
InlineImage Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
InlineImage Appends the given InlineImage .
ListItem Appends the given ListItem .
ListItem Creates and appends a new ListItem containing the specified text contents.
Paragraph Appends the given Paragraph .
Paragraph Creates and appends a new Paragraph containing the specified text contents.
Table Creates and appends a new Table .
Table Appends a new Table containing a TableCell for each specified string value.
Table Appends the given Table .
FooterSection Clears the contents of the element.
FooterSection Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
InlineImage[] Retrieves all the InlineImages contained in the section.
ListItem[] Retrieves all the ListItems contained in the section.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
Paragraph[] Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems ).
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Table[] Retrieves all the Tables contained in the section.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
HorizontalRule Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
InlineImage Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
InlineImage Inserts the given InlineImage at the specified index.
ListItem Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
ListItem Creates and inserts a new ListItem at the specified index, containing the specified text contents.
Paragraph Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
Paragraph Creates and inserts a new Paragraph at the specified index, containing the specified text contents.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table containing the specified cells, at the specified index.
Table Inserts the given Table at the specified index.
FooterSection Removes the specified child element.
FooterSection Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
FooterSection Sets the element's attributes.
FooterSection Sets the contents as plain text.
FooterSection Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
Footnote Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
FootnoteSection Retrieves the contents of the footnote element.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Footnote Removes the element from its parent.
Footnote Sets the element's attributes.



Method Return type Brief description
Paragraph Appends the given Paragraph .
Paragraph Creates and appends a new Paragraph containing the specified text contents.
FootnoteSection Clears the contents of the element.
FootnoteSection Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
Paragraph[] Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems ).
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Paragraph Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
Paragraph Creates and inserts a new Paragraph at the specified index, containing the specified text contents.
FootnoteSection Removes the specified child element.
FootnoteSection Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
FootnoteSection Sets the element's attributes.
FootnoteSection Sets the contents as plain text.
FootnoteSection Sets the text alignment.



Property Type Description
Enum The default bullet, circular and filled.
Enum A hollow bullet.
Enum A square bullet.
Enum A number based bullet.
Enum A latin, uppercase bullet.
Enum A latin, lowercase bullet.
Enum A roman numeral, uppercase bullet.
Enum A roman numeral, lowercase bullet.



Method Return type Brief description
HorizontalRule Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule .
InlineImage Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
InlineImage Appends the given InlineImage .
ListItem Appends the given ListItem .
ListItem Creates and appends a new ListItem containing the specified text contents.
Paragraph Appends the given Paragraph .
Paragraph Creates and appends a new Paragraph containing the specified text contents.
Table Creates and appends a new Table .
Table Appends a new Table containing a TableCell for each specified string value.
Table Appends the given Table .
HeaderSection Clears the contents of the element.
HeaderSection Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
InlineImage[] Retrieves all the InlineImages contained in the section.
ListItem[] Retrieves all the ListItems contained in the section.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
Paragraph[] Retrieves all the Paragraphs contained in the section (including ListItems ).
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Table[] Retrieves all the Tables contained in the section.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
HorizontalRule Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
InlineImage Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
InlineImage Inserts the given InlineImage at the specified index.
ListItem Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
ListItem Creates and inserts a new ListItem at the specified index, containing the specified text contents.
Paragraph Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
Paragraph Creates and inserts a new Paragraph at the specified index, containing the specified text contents.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table containing the specified cells, at the specified index.
Table Inserts the given Table at the specified index.
HeaderSection Removes the specified child element.
HeaderSection Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
HeaderSection Sets the element's attributes.
HeaderSection Sets the contents as plain text.
HeaderSection Sets the text alignment.



Property Type Description
Enum The left-alignment option.
Enum The center-alignment option.
Enum The right-alignment option.
Enum The justify-alignment option.



Method Return type Brief description
HorizontalRule Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
HorizontalRule Removes the element from its parent.
HorizontalRule Sets the element's attributes.



Method Return type Brief description
InlineDrawing Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
String Returns the drawing's alternate description.
String Returns the drawing's alternate title.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
InlineDrawing Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
InlineDrawing Removes the element from its parent.
InlineDrawing Sets the drawing's alternate description.
InlineDrawing Sets the drawing's alternate title.
InlineDrawing Sets the element's attributes.



Method Return type Brief description
InlineImage Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
String Returns the image's alternate description.
String Returns the image's alternate title.
Blob Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Blob Return the data inside this object as a blob.
Integer Retrieves the image's height, in pixels.
String Retrieves the link URL.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Integer Retrieves the image's width, in pixels.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
InlineImage Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
InlineImage Removes the element from its parent.
InlineImage Sets the image's alternate description.
InlineImage Sets the image's alternate title.
InlineImage Sets the element's attributes.
InlineImage Sets the image's height, in pixels.
InlineImage Sets the link URL.
InlineImage Sets the image's width, in pixels.



Method Return type Brief description
PositionedImage Creates and inserts a new PositionedImage from the specified image blob.
HorizontalRule Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule .
InlineImage Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
InlineImage Appends the given InlineImage .
PageBreak Creates and appends a new PageBreak .
PageBreak Appends the given PageBreak .
Text Creates and appends a new Text element with the specified contents.
Text Appends the given Text element.
ListItem Clears the contents of the element.
ListItem Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
HorizontalAlignment Retrieves the HorizontalAlignment .
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
GlyphType Retrieves the list item's GlyphType .
ParagraphHeading Retrieves the ParagraphHeading .
Number Retrieves the end indentation, in points.
Number Retrieves the first line indentation, in points.
Number Retrieves the start indentation.
Number Retrieves the line spacing, in points.
String Retrieves the link url.
String Retrieves the list ID.
Integer Retrieves the list item's nesting level.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
PositionedImage Gets a PositionedImage by the image's ID.
PositionedImage[] Gets all PositionedImage objects anchored to the paragraph.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
Number Retrieves the spacing after the element, in points.
Number Retrieves the spacing before the element, in points.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
HorizontalRule Creates and inserts a HorizontalRule at the specified index.
InlineImage Creates and inserts a new InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
InlineImage Inserts the given InlineImage at the specified index.
PageBreak Creates and inserts a new PageBreak at the specified index.
PageBreak Inserts the given PageBreak at the specified index.
Text Creates and inserts a new text element at the specified index.
Text Inserts the given Text element at the specified index, with the specified text contents.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Boolean Retrieves the left-to-right setting.
ListItem Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
ListItem Removes the specified child element.
ListItem Removes the element from its parent.
Boolean Removes a PositionedImage by the image's ID.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
ListItem Sets the HorizontalAlignment .
ListItem Sets the element's attributes.
ListItem Sets the list item's GlyphType .
ListItem Sets the ParagraphHeading .
ListItem Sets the end indentation, in points.
ListItem Sets the first line indentation, in points.
ListItem Sets the start indentation, in points.
ListItem Sets the left-to-right setting.
ListItem Sets the line spacing, as a quantity indicating the number of lines to use for spacing.
ListItem Sets the link url.
ListItem Sets the list ID.
ListItem Sets the list item's nesting level.
ListItem Sets the spacing after the element, in points.
ListItem Sets the spacing before the element, in points.
void Sets the contents of the list item as text.
ListItem Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
String Gets the ID of this NamedRange .
String Gets the name of this NamedRange .
Range Gets the range of elements associated with this NamedRange .
void Removes this NamedRange from the tab.



Method Return type Brief description
PageBreak Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
PageBreak Removes the element from its parent.
PageBreak Sets the element's attributes.



Method Return type Brief description
PositionedImage Creates and inserts a new PositionedImage from the specified image blob.
HorizontalRule Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule .
InlineImage Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
InlineImage Appends the given InlineImage .
PageBreak Creates and appends a new PageBreak .
PageBreak Appends the given PageBreak .
Text Creates and appends a new Text element with the specified contents.
Text Appends the given Text element.
Paragraph Clears the contents of the element.
Paragraph Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
HorizontalAlignment Retrieves the HorizontalAlignment .
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
ParagraphHeading Retrieves the ParagraphHeading .
Number Retrieves the end indentation, in points.
Number Retrieves the first line indentation, in points.
Number Retrieves the start indentation.
Number Retrieves the line spacing, in points.
String Retrieves the link url.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
PositionedImage Gets a PositionedImage by the image's ID.
PositionedImage[] Gets all PositionedImage objects anchored to the paragraph.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
Number Retrieves the spacing after the element, in points.
Number Retrieves the spacing before the element, in points.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
HorizontalRule Creates and inserts a HorizontalRule at the specified index.
InlineImage Creates and inserts a new InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
InlineImage Inserts the given InlineImage at the specified index.
PageBreak Creates and inserts a new PageBreak at the specified index.
PageBreak Inserts the given PageBreak at the specified index.
Text Creates and inserts a new text element at the specified index.
Text Inserts the given Text element at the specified index, with the specified text contents.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Boolean Retrieves the left-to-right setting.
Paragraph Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
Paragraph Removes the specified child element.
Paragraph Removes the element from its parent.
Boolean Removes a PositionedImage by the image's ID.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
Paragraph Sets the HorizontalAlignment .
Paragraph Sets the element's attributes.
Paragraph Sets the ParagraphHeading .
Paragraph Sets the end indentation, in points.
Paragraph Sets the first line indentation, in points.
Paragraph Sets the start indentation, in points.
Paragraph Sets the left-to-right setting.
Paragraph Sets the line spacing, as a quantity indicating the number of lines to use for spacing.
Paragraph Sets the link url.
Paragraph Sets the spacing after the element, in points.
Paragraph Sets the spacing before the element, in points.
void Sets the contents of the paragraph as text.
Paragraph Sets the text alignment.



Property Type Description
Enum The heading option for normal text.
Enum The highest heading option.
Enum The second heading option.
Enum The third heading option
Enum The fourth heading option.
Enum The fifth heading option.
Enum The lowest heading option.
Enum The title heading option.
Enum The subtitle heading option.



Method Return type Brief description
Person Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
String Returns the person's email address.
String Returns the person's display name, if set.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Person Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
Person Removes the element from its parent.
Person Sets the element's attributes.



Method Return type Brief description
Element Gets the element that contains this Position .
Integer Gets this Position 's relative location within the element that contains it.
Text Creates an artificial Text element that represents the text and formatting of the Paragraph or ListItem that contains the Position , either directly or through a chain of child elements.
Integer Gets the offset of this Position within the Text element returned by getSurroundingText() .
Bookmark Creates and inserts a new Bookmark at this Position .
InlineImage Creates and inserts a new InlineImage at this Position from the specified image blob.
Text Inserts the specified text at this Position .



Method Return type Brief description
Blob Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
Blob Return the data inside this object as a blob.
Integer Retrieves the image's height, in pixels.
String Gets the image's ID.
PositionedLayout Gets an enum value that represents how the image is laid out.
Number Gets the image's offset, in points, from the paragraph's left.
Paragraph Gets the Paragraph the image is anchored to.
Number Gets the image's offset, in points, from the paragraph's top.
Integer Retrieves the image's width, in pixels.
PositionedImage Sets the image's height, in pixels.
PositionedImage Sets the definition of how the image is laid out.
PositionedImage Sets the image's offset, in points, from the paragraph's left.
PositionedImage Sets the image's offset, in points, from the paragraph's top.
PositionedImage Sets the image's width, in pixels.



Property Type Description
Enum The image is positioned above the text.
Enum The image breaks the text on the left and right.
Enum The image breaks the text on the left.
Enum The image breaks the text on the right.
Enum The image is wrapped by text.



Method Return type Brief description
RangeElement[] Gets all elements in this Range , including any partial Text elements (for example, in the case of a selection that includes only part of a Text element).



Method Return type Brief description
RangeBuilder Adds an entire Element to this RangeBuilder .
RangeBuilder Adds a partial Text element to this RangeBuilder .
RangeBuilder Adds two entire elements, and all elements between them, to this RangeBuilder .
RangeBuilder Adds two partial Text elements, and all elements between them, to the RangeBuilder .
RangeBuilder Adds the contents of another Range to this RangeBuilder .
Range Constructs a Range from the settings applied to the builder.
RangeElement[] Gets all elements in this Range , including any partial Text elements (for example, in the case of a selection that includes only part of a Text element).



Method Return type Brief description
Element Gets the Element that corresponds to this RangeElement .
Integer Gets the position of the end of a partial range within the range element.
Integer Gets the position of the start of a partial range within the range element.
Boolean Determines whether this range element covers the entire element or a partial selection of the element's characters.


Method Return type Brief description
RichLink Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
String Returns the MIME type of the link, which is available when the item is a link to a Drive file and null otherwise.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Returns the link's displayed title.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
String Returns the URL of the resource.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
RichLink Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
RichLink Removes the element from its parent.
RichLink Sets the element's attributes.



Method Return type Brief description
DocumentTab Retrieves the tab contents as a DocumentTab .
Tab[] Retrieves the child tabs nested within this tab.
String Retrieves the ID of the tab.
Integer Retrieves the 0-based index of the tab within the parent.
String Retrieves the title of the tab.
TabType Retrieves the type of tab.



Property Type Description
Enum The type corresponding to DocumentTab .



Method Return type Brief description
TableRow Creates and appends a new TableRow .
TableRow Appends the given TableRow .
Table Clears the contents of the element.
Table Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
String Retrieves the border color.
Number Retrieves the border width, in points.
TableCell Retrieves the TableCell at the specified row and cell indices.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
Number Retrieves the width of the specified table column, in points.
String Retrieves the link url.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
Integer Retrieves the number of TableRows .
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
TableRow Retrieves the TableRow at the specified row index.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
TableRow Creates and inserts a new TableRow at the specified index.
TableRow Inserts the given TableRow at the specified index.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Table Removes the specified child element.
Table Removes the element from its parent.
TableRow Removes the TableRow at the specified row index.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
Table Sets the element's attributes.
Table Sets the border color.
Table Sets the border width, in points.
Table Sets the width of the specified column, in points.
Table Sets the link url.
Table Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
HorizontalRule Creates and appends a new HorizontalRule .
InlineImage Creates and appends a new InlineImage from the specified image blob.
InlineImage Appends the given InlineImage .
ListItem Appends the given ListItem .
ListItem Creates and appends a new ListItem .
Paragraph Appends the given Paragraph .
Paragraph Creates and appends a new Paragraph .
Table Creates and appends a new Table .
Table Appends a new Table containing the specified cells.
Table Appends the given Table .
TableCell Clears the contents of the element.
TableCell Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
String Retrieves the background color.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
Integer Retrieves the column span, which is the number of columns of table cells this cell spans.
String Retrieves the link url.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
Number Retrieves the bottom padding, in points.
Number Retrieves the left padding, in points.
Number Retrieves the right padding, in points.
Number Retrieves the top padding, in points.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
TableRow Retrieves the TableRow containing the current TableCell .
Table Retrieves the Table containing the current TableCell .
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the row span, which is the number of rows of table cells this cell spans.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
VerticalAlignment Retrieves the VerticalAlignment .
Number Retrieves the width of the column containing the cell, in points.
HorizontalRule Creates and inserts a new HorizontalRule at the specified index.
InlineImage Creates and inserts an InlineImage from the specified image blob, at the specified index.
InlineImage Inserts the given InlineImage at the specified index.
ListItem Inserts the given ListItem at the specified index.
ListItem Creates and inserts a new ListItem at the specified index.
Paragraph Inserts the given Paragraph at the specified index.
Paragraph Creates and inserts a new Paragraph at the specified index.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table at the specified index.
Table Creates and inserts a new Table containing the specified cells, at the specified index.
Table Inserts the given Table at the specified index.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
TableCell Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
TableCell Removes the specified child element.
TableCell Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
TableCell Sets the element's attributes.
TableCell Sets the background color.
TableCell Sets the link url.
TableCell Sets the bottom padding, in points.
TableCell Sets the left padding, in points.
TableCell Sets the right padding, in points.
TableCell Sets the top padding, in points.
TableCell Sets the contents as plain text.
TableCell Sets the text alignment.
TableCell Sets the vertical alignment.
TableCell Sets the width of the column containing the current cell, in points.



Method Return type Brief description
TableOfContents Clears the contents of the element.
TableOfContents Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
String Retrieves the link url.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
TableOfContents Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
TableOfContents Sets the element's attributes.
TableOfContents Sets the link url.
TableOfContents Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
TableCell Creates and appends a new TableCell .
TableCell Appends the given TableCell containing the specified text.
TableCell Appends the given TableCell .
TableRow Clears the contents of the element.
TableRow Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for a descendant of the specified type, starting from the specified RangeElement .
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
TableCell Retrieves the TableCell at the specified cell index.
Element Retrieves the child element at the specified child index.
Integer Retrieves the child index for the specified child element.
String Retrieves the link url.
Number Retrieves the minimum height, in points.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
Integer Retrieves the number of cells in the row.
Integer Retrieves the number of children.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Table Retrieves the Table containing the current row.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
TableCell Creates and inserts a new TableCell at the specified index.
TableCell Inserts the given TableCell at the specified index, containing the given text.
TableCell Inserts the given TableCell at the specified index.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
TableRow Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
TableCell Removes the TableCell at the specified cell index.
TableRow Removes the specified child element.
TableRow Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
TableRow Sets the element's attributes.
TableRow Sets the link url.
TableRow Sets the minimum height, in points.
TableRow Sets the text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
Text Adds the specified text to the end of this text region.
Text Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Text Deletes a range of text.
Text Obtains a Text version of the current element, for editing.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern using regular expressions.
RangeElement Searches the contents of the element for the specified text pattern, starting from a given search result.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Object Retrieves the attributes at the specified character offset.
String Retrieves the background color setting.
String Retrieves the background color at the specified character offset.
String Retrieves the font family setting.
String Retrieves the font family at the specified character offset.
Number Retrieves the font size setting.
Number Retrieves the font size at the specified character offset.
String Retrieves the foreground color setting.
String Retrieves the foreground color at the specified character offset.
String Retrieves the link url.
String Retrieves the link URL at the specified character offset.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
String Retrieves the contents of the element as a text string.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment.
TextAlignment Gets the text alignment for a single character.
Integer[] Retrieves the set of text indices that correspond to the start of distinct text formatting runs.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Text Inserts the specified text at the given character offset.
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
Boolean Retrieves the bold setting.
Boolean Retrieves the bold setting at the specified character offset.
Boolean Retrieves the italic setting.
Boolean Retrieves the italic setting at the specified character offset.
Boolean Retrieves the strikethrough setting.
Boolean Retrieves the strikethrough setting at the specified character offset.
Boolean Retrieves the underline setting.
Boolean Retrieves the underline setting at the specified character offset.
Text Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
Text Removes the element from its parent.
Element Replaces all occurrences of a given text pattern with a given replacement string, using regular expressions.
Text Applies the specified attributes to the given character range.
Text Sets the element's attributes.
Text Sets the background color for the specified character range.
Text Sets the background color.
Text Sets the bold setting.
Text Sets the bold setting for the specified character range.
Text Sets the font family for the specified character range.
Text Sets the font family.
Text Sets the font size for the specified character range.
Text Sets the font size.
Text Sets the foreground color for the specified character range.
Text Sets the foreground color.
Text Sets the italic setting.
Text Sets the italic setting for the specified character range.
Text Sets the link URL for the specified character range.
Text Sets the link url.
Text Sets the strikethrough setting.
Text Sets the strikethrough setting for the specified character range.
Text Sets the text contents.
Text Sets the text alignment for a given character range.
Text Sets the text alignment.
Text Sets the underline setting.
Text Sets the underline setting for the specified character range.



Property Type Description
Enum The normal text alignment.
Enum The superscript text alignment.
Enum The subscript text alignment.



Method Return type Brief description
UnsupportedElement Returns a detached, deep copy of the current element.
Object Retrieves the element's attributes.
Element Retrieves the element's next sibling element.
ContainerElement Retrieves the element's parent element.
Element Retrieves the element's previous sibling element.
ElementType Retrieves the element's ElementType .
Boolean Determines whether the element is at the end of the Document .
UnsupportedElement Merges the element with the preceding sibling of the same type.
UnsupportedElement Removes the element from its parent.
UnsupportedElement Sets the element's attributes.



Property Type Description
Enum The bottom-alignment option.
Enum The center-alignment option.
Enum The top-alignment option.