Verify an agent or location

After you create a Business Messages agent for a brand that you manage and finalize the agent's information, you can verify the agent and any associated locations. You must verify agents and locations before they can launch .

Agent verification

When you verify an agent, Business Messages confirms the agent's information with a contact from the brand that the agent represents. Once the brand contact confirms that you can represent the brand with the agent and that the agent information is correct, the agent is verified.

Pre-verification checklist

Before you verify your agent, use the following checklist to catch any issues that might appear during the verification process.

Agent information
Agent name

Required. The agent's name, as it appears to users. See Create an agent .

Agent logo

Required. The agent's logo, as it appears to users. See Create an agent .

Messaging availability

Required. The days and times that live agents are available to respond to users. See Set messaging availability .

Non-local information

Required for non-local entry points . The agent's associated domains, phone numbers, and available launch regions. See Set non-local information .

Default locale

Required. The locale that the agent usually communicates in. See Localization and locales .

OAuth configuration

Optional. Details about the agent's OAuth integration with other products. See Authenticate with OAuth .

Allowed entry points

Required. Only necessary to check if you created the agent with the Business Communications API. See Create an agent .

After you verify your agent, you can only update the following items:

If you need to update read-only fields after you verify your agent, contact us. (You must first sign in with a Business Messages Google account. To register for an account, see Register with Business Messages .)


Before you can verify your agent, you need to gather some information:

  • Partner name (your organization's name)
  • Partner email (your email)
  • Website of the brand the agent represents, as a publicly available URL starting with "https://"
  • Contact name and email (usually shares a domain with the brand website) for the brand the agent represents who can verify your business relationship with the brand and your authority to represent the brand

Verify an agent

When you request verification for an agent, Business Messages emails the brand contact you specify to confirm your agent's information.

When the brand contact verifies your agent information and Business Messages verifies your agent, you receive an email.

To verify an agent,

  1. Open the Business Communications Developer Console and sign in with your Business Messages Google account.
  2. Choose your agent.
  3. In the left navigation, click Verify.
  4. Click Verify agent.
  5. Enter information for the agent's brand partner (your brand contact) and messaging partner (you).
  6. Click Verify.
  7. Click Proceed.

Cancel an agent verification request

If you discover that agent information is incorrect or that the agent otherwise isn't ready for verification, you can cancel pending verification requests. If you cancel a request, Business Messages notifies your brand contact, and you need to make a new verification request to restart the verification process.

To cancel an agent verification request,

  1. Open the Business Communications Developer Console and sign in with your Business Messages Google account.
  2. Choose your agent.
  3. In the left navigation, click Verify.
  4. Click Cancel verification.

Location verification

After you verify an agent, you can verify locations associated with that agent. Once a location is verified and the associated agent is launched, you can launch the location for use with the agent.

If the brand is part of a chain, you must add all locations for that chain where you have permission to enable messaging. To verify all the locations you added, request verification for just one location. Once we verify that location, we will automatically verify the other associated locations that you have added.

After verification, if you add additional locations, you will need to request location verification again. If any locations are not automatically verified, please contact us with the details of the business and locations.

Pre-verification checklist

Before you verify your location, use the following checklist to catch any issues that might appear during the verification process.

Agent information
Agent verification

Required. Verification that the agent's information is accurate and that the agent can represent the associated brand. See Verify agents and locations .

Location information
Place ID

Required. The unique identifier for a location in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. See Manage locations .

Allowed entry points

Required. Only necessary to check if you created the agent with the Business Communications API. See Manage locations .

Verify a location

When you request verification for a location, Business Messages confirms that the location matches the brand the associated agent represents. You receive an email when location verification is complete.

After you verify a location, you can't make any updates to it. To make updates to a location after it's verified, contact us. (You must first sign in with a Business Messages Google account. To register for an account, see Register with Business Messages .)

To verify a location,

  1. Open the Business Communications Developer Console and sign in with your Business Messages Google account.
  2. Choose your agent.
  3. Click Locationsin the left navigation.
  4. Select the locations you want to verify.
  5. Click Verify.
  6. Click Verifyagain.

Next steps

Once your agent and any associated locations are verified, you're ready to launch them so that they can communicate to users.