Code samples

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Business Messages

Send and receive messages from users.

Agent Description Language
Kitchen Sink
This agent provides an interactive way to explore Business Messages's features on your device. Java
Echo Agent
When the user sends a message, this agent echos the message back to the user. Includes the full SDK for the Business Messages API. Node.js
Appointment Setting Agent
This agent demonstrates how to support a customer with setting up an appointment with a business. The chat bot uses a custom Dialogflow conversational agent to power the conversation. Node.js
Bonjour Meal Agent
This agent demonstrates a buy online purchase in store customer user journey. The user can view shop items, add items to a shopping cart, and then pay for the items through a web-based checkout experience. See a screencast of the demo here . Python
gCal Assistant
This agent demonstrates the integration of OAuth 2.0 on Business Messages with an identity provider. This sample showcases the integration with Google OAuth 2.0 . Python
Shopping Cart
This sample showcases how to create a shopping cart experience on Business Messages. Java
Live Agent Transfer
This sample demonstrates how to hand off conversations between automation and live agents. Node.js
Virtual Pet Simulation Game
This sample demonstrates a virtual pet simulation game built in Business Messages. See a screencast of the demo here . Node.js
This sample demonstrates how to receive and validate messages, and how to reply to users with rich card, carousel, image, links, suggestion chips and more. Node.js

Business Communications

Manage your Business Messages agents.

Agent Description Language
Command Line Sample
Demonstrates the Business Communications API features. Includes the full SDK for the Business Communications API. Node.js