Bulk Sheet Entity Reference

Entity: Floodlight activities

Field Required Type Description
Required only when editing an existing entity. String Numeric ID value of the Floodlight activity. If left blank, a new activity will be created and a unique ID will be assigned. Optionally, when creating a new activity, you can use any alphanumeric identifier to assign default tags and publisher tags to the new activity. When the file is uploaded and processed, all custom identifiers will be replaced with CM360-assigned IDs and the objects (for example, default tags) will be associated with an activity based on their custom identifiers.
Floodlight configuration ID
No String Numeric ID value of the parent Floodlight configuration. If left blank it uses the job's advertiser ID as default.
Yes String The name of the entity. It should be unique.
Group name
Yes String The name of the activity group used to organize Floodlight activities in reports. If the given name does not exist, a new group will be automatically created.
Group tag string
Required and immutable after the entity has been created. String An identifier for the Floodlight activity group associated with this activity, which appears as a parameter in your tags. You can enter any alphanumeric value or leave this field blank to use the default value based on the group name. This value is case sensitive.
Activity tag string
Required and immutable after the entity has been created. String An identifier for the Floodlight activity, which appears as a parameter in your tags. You can enter any alphanumeric value or leave this field blank to use the default value based on the activity name. This value is case sensitive and should be unique.
Floodlight activity status
Yes Enum The status of the activity.
Possible values:
'Active' | 'Disabled and archived' | 'Disabled - Policy violation' | 'Enabled and archived'.
New activities cannot be created with a status of 'Enabled and archived'.
Expected URL
Yes String The URL of the webpage where the tag is expected to be placed.
Conversion type
Yes Enum Specifies the type of conversions that will be counted for this activity.
Possible values:
'Counter' | 'Sale'.
Counter: Records non-monetary conversion data such as unique users, conversions, and session length.
Sale: Records monetary conversion data, such as cost and the number of items sold.
Counting method
Yes Enum Specifies how conversions will be counted for this Floodlight activity. The valid options depend on whether you are creating or editing a counter or a sales activity.
Possible values:
'Standard counting' | 'Unique counting' | 'Session counting' | 'Transaction' counting | 'Items sold counting'.
Tag format
Yes Enum The format you want to use for your tag.
Possible values:
'Global' | 'Iframe' | 'Image'.
Global: Use global site tags if you’re using Floodlight tags directly on your desktop or mobile site for conversion or remarketing events. Global site tags are JavaScript tags placed on every page of your website. We recommend using the global site tag since it can be implemented across Google products.
Iframe: Use iframe tags if you’re unable to adopt the global site tag. Iframe tags are only added to pages with events you’re tracking.
Image: Use image tags if you’re unable to adopt global site tags or iframe tags. Image tags are only added to pages with events you’re tracking.

For Google Tag Manager users, this setting determines what underlying tag format will be sent to your container when pushing activities to Google Tag Manager. If you choose iframe or global, Tag Manager will use an iframe tag. If you choose image, Tag Manager will use image tags.
Attribution enabled
Yes Boolean Specifies whether attribution is enabled for this activity.
Possible values: 'Yes' | 'No'
Custom variables
No List The keys of the custom variables defined in the Floodlight configuration that you want to use for this activity.
Custom Floodlight variables use the keys 'u1=', 'u2=', and so on, and can take any values that you choose to pass to them. You can use them to track various types of data that you collect about your users, such as the genre of movie that a user purchases, the country to which the item is shipped, and so on.

Tip: The length of your variables adds to the total length of the URL in the user’s browser, which may be limited in some browsers. If your custom variable is very long, it may make the URL too long.
Push to GTM
No List The Google Tag Manager container IDs that the Floodlight activity tag needs to be pushed into. Example value: 'GTM-MCK6G2S, GTM-MCK6G1K'.
GTM status
No List The status of Floodlight activity tags that have been pushed to the Google Tag Manager.Only the latest push to a Google Tag Manager container will be shown.
Each push has the format: 'Google Tag Manager container ID:Push status:Date pushed'. For example, 'GTM-MCK6G2S:Requested:02/22/2022 10:39 AM'. Read-only.
Last modified time
Required only when editing an existing entity. Instant The timestamp for when the entity was last modified. This is used by the system to verify that the entry has not changed between downloading and uploading.