Google Drive API Video Library

The following videos explain concepts that help you to use the Google Drive API for your applications. Each video generally walks through a concept or short sample app to give you a jump start in trying specific API features or learn more about the API.

File storage in the cloud

Confused about when to use Google Drive & Google Cloud Storage for your applications and want to learn more about the differences between them? This video highlights the main use cases for both plus introduces other GCP storage options.

(Running time: 6:58)

Listing your files on Google Drive

Sometimes it's intimidating to use an API for the first time. This video aims to overcome those notions for the Drive API as we run through an ultra-short script that lists the first 100 files & folders in your Google Drive.

(Running time: 6:20)

Google Drive: uploading & downloading files

Common Drive API operations include direct file upload/download and file conversion with import/export. This video shows you how to import a plain text document into Google Docs format then exports it as PDF. It also introduces Drive API v3, discussing differences and migration tips from v2.

(Running time: 12:13)

This feature is also described in the blog post “Google Drive: Uploading & downloading files plus the new v3 API redux” .

Google Drive API video archive

For these and other videos, check out the entire Google Drive API video playlist .