Sign in with Google Branding Guidelines

This document provides guidelines on how to display a Sign in with Google button on your website or app. Your website or app must follow these guidelines to complete the app verification process.

Our Google Identity Services SDKs render a Sign in with Google button that always adheres to the most recent Google branding guidelines. They are the recommended way to display the Sign in with Google button on your website or app. For cases where you are not able to use the Google-rendered button option, you can render an HTML button element , download our pre-approved branding assets or optionally create a custom Sign in with Google button .

Render HTML Button Element

We provide an HTML configurator that allows you to customize the appearance of the Sign in with Google button. You can then download an HTML and CSS snippet that will render the button on your website.

Generate HTML Button Element

Download Pre-Approved Brand Icons

As an alternative to using a custom image button, you can download our pre-approved Sign in with Google buttons provided in PNG and SVG formats for all platforms.

The provided images buttons are available in standard and icon modes and include the below style options:

  • Theme : Light, Neutral, Dark
  • Shape : Rectangular, Pill
Below are two examples:
Theme Buttons Description
Standard large light themed rectangular Sign in with Google button example Standard large light themed rectangular Sign in with Google button
Standard dark themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button example Standard dark themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button
Download Pre-Approved Brand Icons

Supported Button Modes


light themed round shaped Sign in with Google button

light themed square shaped Sign in with Google button

light themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button

light themed rectangle shaped Sign in with Google button


dark themed round shaped Sign in with Google button

dark themed square shaped Sign in with Google button

dark themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button

dark themed rectangle shaped Sign in with Google button


neutral themed round shaped Sign in with Google button

neutral themed square shaped Sign in with Google button

neutral themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button

neutral themed rectangle shaped Sign in with Google button

Create a custom Sign in with Google Button

Using our Google Identity Services SDKs or any of the other options covered in previous sections is strongly recommended as it enables Google users to more easily identify the Google brand. The more easily users can identify an action button, the more likely they are to interact with it.

If you, however, need to adapt the button to match your app design, adhere to the following guidelines.


You can scale the button as needed for different devices and screen sizes, but you must preserve the aspect ratio so that the Google logo is not stretched.


To encourage users to click the button, we recommend the call-to-action text "Sign in with Google", "Sign up with Google", or "Continue with Google". It should be clear to the user that they are signing into your app or signing up for your app with their Google credentials, not signing up or registering for a Google account on your app.


The default state of the buttons are shown below. The button must always include the standard color for the Google "G".

Theme Example
light themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button Fill: #FFFFFF
Stroke: #747775 | 1px | inside
Font: #1F1F1F | Roboto Medium | 14/20
dark themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button Fill: #131314
Stroke: #8E918F | 1px | inside
Font: #E3E3E3 | Roboto Medium | 14/20
neutral themed pill shaped Sign in with Google button Fill: #F2F2F2
Stroke: No stroke
Font: #1F1F1F | Roboto Medium | 14/20


The button font is Roboto Medium, a TrueType font. To install, first download the Roboto font and unzip the download bundle. On Mac, just double-click Roboto-Medium.ttf, then click "Install Font". On Windows, drag the file to "My Computer" > "Windows" > "Fonts" folder.


Android 12px left padding before the Google logo, 10px right padding after the Google logo and 12px right padding after the Sign in with Google text
iOS 16px left padding before the Google logo, 12px right padding after the Google logo and 16px right padding after the Sign in with Google text
Web (mobile + desktop) 12px left padding before the Google logo, 10px right padding after the Google logo and 12px right padding after the Sign in with Google text
Reference Sign in with Google button padding reference

Regardless of the text, you can't change the size or color of the Google "G" logo. It must be the standard color version and appear on a white background. If you need to create your own custom size Google logo, start with any of the logo sizes included in the download bundle.

Google G icon

Incorrect button design

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Use the Google Material 3 design guidelines for button boundary and color scheme.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Use the Google icon or logo by itself without the button boundary and without text to indicate the user action.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Use the Google brand color for Google icon for dark, light, and neutral modes.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Use monochrome versions of the Google "G" for the button.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Choose the button in the right color mode for accessibility and equal prominence.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Put the standard color Google "G" icon on a colored background other than light, dark, or neutral.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Stick with the Google "G" with fixed padding and size.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Create your own icon for the button.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Use the Google "G" by itself for action button if needed.

branding granding dos and donts image sample

Use the term "Google" by itself in the button to represent the action of Sign in with Google.

The Sign in with Google button should be displayed at least as prominently as other third party sign-in options. For example, buttons should be approximately the same size and have similar visual weight.

Other Guidelines

If you request additional scopes, do so with incremental authorization ( Android , iOS , web ), only prompting the user for authorization as they begin to interact with a feature that requires API access.

If you request YouTube scopes, use a YouTube button .

If you use Google Play games services, also see the Google Play games services branding guidelines .

Use of Google brands in ways not expressly covered by this document is not allowed without prior written consent from Google (see the Guidelines for Third Party Use of Google Brand Features for more information).