We use a mixture of different platforms to provide support to developers, so review the options below to determine the best way to get help.
You can also check the Service status dashboard to see if there are known outages in Apps Script services, and whether reported outages have been resolved.Questions & advice
We use the popular programming Q&A website Stack Overflow to field technical questions. Google doesn't own or manage this site, but you can sign in with your Google account.
Stack Overflow contains questions on a variety of topics, and developers use the
tag [google-people]
to mark questions relevant to
this service. You might want to add additional tags to your question to attract
the attention of experts in related technologies.
Developer product feedback
If you have feedback about developer product features or functionality, search our Issue Tracker to see if others have already submitted the same feedback. If you find an existing feedback report, click the star next to the issue number to express your agreement and help us prioritize the most important reports. If you have additional context or information to contribute, you can add a comment.
If no one else has submitted similar feedback, you can submit a new feedback report. Please describe your feedback as specifically as possible, including why you think it's important.
Contact Google Workspace support
Google Workspace administrators can email a Google Workspace developer support specialist .
Make sure you include the following information when you contact us:
- A description of the problem, and the behavior you expected instead.
- A list of steps and a small snippet of sample code that can be used to reproduce the problem.
- A description of the output you expect and what actually occurred. Include any error messages you receive.
- Information about your development environment, including programming language, library versions, etc.