
CheckoutSettings for a specific merchant ID.

JSON representation
 object (  UrlSettings 
 object (  UrlSettings 
 enum (  CheckoutEnrollmentState 
 enum (  CheckoutReviewState 
 enum (  CheckoutEnrollmentState 
 enum (  CheckoutReviewState 

string ( int64 format)

Required. The ID of the account.


object ( UrlSettings )

URL settings for cart or checkout URL.


object ( UrlSettings )

The effective value of url_settings for a given merchant ID. If account level settings are present then this value will be a copy of the account level settings. Otherwise, it will have the value of the parent account.


enum ( CheckoutEnrollmentState )

Output only. Reflects the merchant enrollment state in Checkout feature.


enum ( CheckoutReviewState )

Output only. Reflects the merchant review state in Checkout feature. This is set based on the data quality reviews of the URL provided by the merchant. A merchant with enrollment state as ENROLLED can be in the following review states: IN_REVIEW , APPROVED or DISAPPROVED . A merchant must be in an enrollmentState of ENROLLED before a review can begin for the merchant.


enum ( CheckoutEnrollmentState )

Output only. The effective value of enrollment state for a given merchant ID. If account level settings are present then this value will be a copy of the account level settings. Otherwise, it will have the value of the parent account.


enum ( CheckoutReviewState )

Output only. The effective value of review state for a given merchant ID. If account level settings are present then this value will be a copy of the account level settings. Otherwise, it will have the value of the parent account.


Enum indicating the enrollment state of merchant in Checkout program. LINT.IfChange(CheckoutOnMerchantEnrollmentState)

CHECKOUT_ON_MERCHANT_ENROLLMENT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Default enrollment state when enrollment state is not specified.
INACTIVE Merchant has not enrolled into the feature.
ENROLLED Merchant has enrolled into the feature by providing either an account level URL or checkout URLs as part of their feed.
OPT_OUT Merchant has previously enrolled but opted out of the feature.


Enum indicating the review state of merchant in Checkout program. LINT.IfChange(CheckoutReviewState)

CHECKOUT_ON_MERCHANT_REVIEW_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Default review state when review state is not specified.
IN_REVIEW Merchant provided URLs are being reviewed for data quality issues.
APPROVED Merchant account has been approved. Indicates the data quality checks have passed.
DISAPPROVED Merchant account has been disapproved due to data quality issues.