Authorizing your Android app for the Google Wallet Android SDK

The Google Wallet API provides an Android SDK to make it easier for you to integrate Google Wallet capabilities directly in your Android apps with native code.

To use the Google Wallet Android SDK, you must provide the package name of your Android app, and the SHA-1 fingerprint of your app signing certificate. These credentials are used to authorize publishing access for your app, and authenticate requests sent by your app to the Google Wallet API.

1. Get the SHA-1 fingerprint of your signing certificate

To get the SHA-1 fingerprint of your signing certificate, follow the directions in the Google Play services documentation for retrieving it using either of the following:

The SHA-1 fingerprint of your signing certificate looks similar to this:


2. Authorize your app in the Google Wallet console

Once you have your SHA-1 fingerprint, do the following to authorize your Android app in the Google Wallet console.

  1. Go to the Google Pay & Wallet console .
  2. In the left nav, click 'Google Wallet API' to open the Google Wallet console.
  3. Click the 'Additional features' tab.
  4. In the 'App Permissions' box, click the '+ Add an app' button.
  5. Enter the package name of your app and your SHA-1 fingerprint.
  6. Click 'Add application'.

If your package name and app appear in the 'App Permissions' box, your app is authorized to send requests to the Google Wallet API using the Google Wallet Android SDK.