Runtime service configuration overview

The Apigee hybrid runtime plane is made up of a variety of services. Each service is deployed on nodes within your Kubernetes cluster, and each one can be configured using the overrides.yaml file .

The following table summarizes the runtime services:

Service Description Configuration Object Implemented As Scope
Acts as a runtime datastore that provides Apigee local persistent storage for KMS, OAuth, KVMs, and caching for the runtime plane. You can have separate Cassandra rings for KMS, OAuth, KVMs, and caching. cassandra StatefulSet Organization (one or more orgs)
Manages inbound requests from client apps. The default installation uses an Istio Ingress, but you are responsible for managing your own custom Ingress configuration for production traffic. ingress Ingress Cluster (one or more organizations in the same cluster)
Extracts log files and sends the data to the monitoring application associated with your GCP account (currently Stackdriver). logger DaemonSet Cluster (one or more organizations in the same cluster)
Exposes an endpoint to administer data entities on the runtime plane, such as KMS (API keys and OAuth tokens), quotas, KVMs, and API products. MART services are scoped to a single organization. mart Deployment Organization
Manages inbound requests from the management plane for calls to the Apigee APIs . ingress Ingress Cluster (one or more organizations in the same cluster)
Consumes rolling updates from the management plane to provide API request processing and policy execution on the runtime plane. Each Message Processor is scoped to a single environment. runtime Deployment Environment
Collects operations metrics that you can use to monitor the health of hybrid services, to set up alerts, and so on. metrics Deployment Cluster (one or more organizations in the same cluster)
Fetches configuration data about an API environment from the management plane to the runtime plane. A Synchronizer can poll one or more environments in the same or different organizations. synchronizer Deployment Environment
Extracts analytics and deployment status data and sends it to the UAP service in the management plane so that you can access it with the management UI. udca Deployment Environment

Most services make socket connections with other internal or external services that you should be aware of. For more information, see Hybrid ports .